Sky CotL

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I think ima die... 😭

I was playing Sky, right? (Btw great game, very relaxing) I went through the Eye of Eden level which is the hardest and last level in the game. After I somehow finished it without losing my sanity, it placed me back in Starlight Desert and the last quest for the Little Prince said complete. I tried to claim it, but I couldn't! It wouldn't let me!

I went to Home, but even that said I needed to complete the Eye of Eden level before continuing.

I redone the Eye of Eden level TWICE and still didn't fix it.

I don't want to have to contact thatgamecompany 🥲 it's kinda embarrassing and Idek why

If you don't know what I'm talking abt, Sky: Children of the Light is a game created right before Covid. I have had it since it first came out and I've absolutely loved it. The relaxing style and texture of the game is amazing, but then you have the lighting which makes it even more beautiful. Not much lore, but they're working on it!

I fully recommend Sky: Children of the Light to anyone who's looking for something slow paced, a beautiful scenery, amazing gameplay (if you have connection), an awesome adventure with new people you can meet and something you can use to entertain yourself!

⚠️Warning⚠️: Sky can get boring if you don't have friends or the outfits you want.

For the friends part, just ask around and be out there! Don't be shy! Most of the Sky community is very friendly.

And for the outfits, you either need hearts or candles. The hearts are obtained by gifts from friends or spirits; although, you have to pay candles to get the hearts. The candles are obtained when you light candles and get the waxes from them. Candle Runs are a very popular and simple way to get them.

Feel free to ask any questions! :)

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