Chapter 2- December part-1

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I walked to the bakery, to see Peeta I sneak into his room from his bedroom, luckily he doesn't share a room with Austen & Camden. " Peeta, it's the middle of the winter you should really stop sleeping with all your windows open," I said. " Well that's how you come in," he said. " I can always knock," I said.
Peeta walked over to his bed and sat on it. " Well just don't stand there come here." I walked over to his bed, it's a still a strange concept me that he has his own bed because I still share with Prim unless she sneaks into Mom's bed. When I sat on his bed and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. " You can lay down if you'd like," he said. I layed down and Peeta layed his head on my chest. " Katniss, can I ask you something," he said. " Yeah, go ahead," I said
" How long did you know that I had a crush on you?" Peeta said. " About two years," I said. He started laughing and I thought that would be about right but apparently I was wrong. " Remember that day at the music assembly, and the music teacher asked ' who knows the valley song' and your hand shot straight up that was when I knew I was a goner," he said. "Peeta, that can't be true, that was when we were five, your telling me that you've never knoticed another girl for ten years?" I asked. " Well, you were the only girl who I saw a life with," he said.
I looked at his face, he was bright red granted the fact that he only saw a life with me made me blush a little... Alot I guess. " So, um I was wondering if you'd go to some of my wrestling dules?" He asked. I looked down at him , his head was still on my chest. " Of course Peeta, why wouldn't I?" I asked him. "Well there are a lot of wrestlers and it can take a while," he said. " Thank you," he said. " When's the next one?" I questioed him. " Um well I the next one is in 9 so I don't expect you to come," he said. " I want to support you though," I said giving the top of his head a kiss. " The next one here is next week on Tuesday," he said. " Then I'll be there."

I looked at the clock in Peeta's room, it read 9:30 I have to be home in about 45 minutes I'll probably stay for about ten more minutes , but I don't want to leave, I enjoy the weight that Peeta's body puts on mine it's something that I miss when I'm at home. " Peeta, I have to leave soon," I said. " Why?" He asked. Though every night I come over, Peeta always trys to fight my leaving even though he knows that it never works. " Because I have to take care of Prim," I said. " That's fair, let me walk you home," he said. "
" Okay."
Peeta usually walks me home most nights that I go over to his house. The walk is about fifteen minutes from the bakery to my house while we started walking I held . " I appreciate you walkinh me home," I said. " It's dark out here, I want to keep you safe," he said. " I can keep myself safe enough Peeta," I said. " I know that, it's just,I like you a lot and I think it's for the best that I am out here with you," he said. I heald his hand a little tighter. " Thank you," I said. We got to my house, I feel saddened when we get to my house. "Thank you," I said. " No problem," he said. I gave him a kiss on the mouth, he kissed my back. I like the way Peeta kisses, he's very passionate. " Bye, Peeta," I said. " Bye Katniss," he said.

I walked into the house my mother is still awake. " Where were you Katniss?" She said. " I was out hunting," I said. " You don't have anything," she said. " I heard Peeta," she said. " Fine I was with Peeta, " I said. " Thank you for being honest but go to bed now," she said. As I started getting ready for bed, I though about Peeta, I know he's going to be safe because no one reasonably would attack him because he's a big guy but the thoughts still infect my mind. I got into the bed that Prim & I share to go to sleep and yet all that I can think about is the possibility of Peeta or myself getting reaped into the hunger games, I supposed that if I was reaped all I'd have to win because the idea of Peeta ever being with another girl makes me want to throw up and cry. If Peeta , was reaped into the hunger games he'd also have to win because I'd turn into my mother and I don't want that. Eventually I whent to sleep however the sun woke me up at about 5:30 this morning. I have to make breakfast because my mother won't and Prim needs to eat , luckily Peeta gave me some bread for us to eat, we have to make the loaf last the week.
" Prim, it's time to wake up," I said.
" Ten more minutes," she argued.
" Come on, Peeta gave me your favorite bread," I said.

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