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LEO============26/01/2003Panay, The Philippines============

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Panay, The Philippines

I was fucking terrified when I thought she was dead.

For the longest time, I've said I can't stand her.

But for that awful few hours, when I thought she wouldn't open them intense green eyes ever again, I realised that I can't stand the thought of her being gone.

Unable to sleep because of my ever-running mind, and also since it's still very fucking hot, I slide off of my bunk, no longer having to listen to Jed's tossing and turning since he's now apparently a goddamn terrorist.

The barracks are echoed by the sounds of soft snores. It's pretty damn hard for me to tread lightly because of the size of me, but I try my best. I cross the wooden floorboards with delicacy; the odd creak causing a teammate to roll over in their bunk slightly, but nobody wakes up.

I sigh in exhaustion as I head to the washroom, pushing open the door ready to splash some of that saviour cold water on my face.

I didn't realise the room was already occupied. And I blink as my breath catches slightly.

Nova is leaning against the faucet, elbows on the side. Thin sleep-shorts creased between her perfectly rounded ass. And Jesus Christ, to my embarrassment, I'm fucking hard. Hard over Nova goddamn Shields.

She turns around and glances at me in surprise, her hair all up in a disheveled topknot, loose strands framing her face.

She's clearly been doing the exact same thing I came here to do. I clear my throat and head to the washbasin next to her, running the faucet.

"Can't sleep?" I mumble, rubbing some of the water into my strained features and silently praying for the bulge in my pants to fuck off.

"Nope, you?" She groans frustratedly, running her hands across her face as she leans back over the washbasin.

I shake my head, gazing over at her. It's only now I notice for the first time that she has a tattoo, a small constellation of stars just underneath the nape of her neck, travelling down her back slightly. Into an area shielded by her cami that sticks to her like second skin.

I don't say anything, instead I clearly think it's a better idea to stare like a goddamn creep. She dries off her face and glimpses at me with a confused expression, "what are you looking at?"

"Your tattoo," I say quietly with a shrug, pulling my gaze away and looking back into the mirror.

"It's Orion, the constellation," she replies with a small smile, turning around and looking backwards into the mirror, glancing over her shoulder so she can see it.

"How are you feeling, after everything?" I ask, changing the subject abruptly as she whips her head to look at me. Maybe it's the heat that's getting to me, but I have a painful urge to pull down that tank and see the rest of that goddamn tattoo.

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