Chapter : 2 {New Captain}

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Y/n's POV :

A week has passed, we got off in my hometown, which was even the place baba was born on, Sphinx..

It's a small island but everyone lives happily here now as baba used to protect it, the world government gave up on this island long ago because they were too poor to pay to the blood suckers

"Y/n, rethink your decision" Said Marco

Currently me and Marco are in an disagreement about if we should start a pirate crew again or not

"Stfu if you don't want to be in the bottom of the ocean" I replied

".. Hah, okay at least have a talk nicely with the others about this" He said

Not a problem, I am sure about my ability as a leader

I am, the world's strongest man's daughter after all

... I walked outside the hut
Where everyone gathered, I saw that Ace guy there too, he keeps giving me a weird stare, I could tell he hates me

"Thank you all for coming at such a short notice, I am sorry I couldn't meet any of you this past week because I was busy recovering and mourning my baba's death, I am y/n Newgate, whitebeard's one and only daughter" I spoke, each line with great pride

"Ask me any questions you would like" I said

No one dared to raise a voice, maybe they already accepted me seeing my power

"Good" Saying that i began to continue

"I want to--"

"Where were you before the war?" Asked someone from the crowd,
Of course, it was that guy

"Fire fist" I mumbled

"I was with you guys, in the mobby dick" I answered

"Why doesn't anyone know you then?" He said in a harsh tone

"I lived on downstairs, near the basement" I answered

"Why?" He asked

"I had my reasons"

"I went downstairs before, i never saw your room"

"It's cuz my room doesn't have any door, i removed it and replaced it with a wall" I said calmly


Well fair enough

I smirked

"Baba didn't want the navy to know about my existence, you must already know this things right? After all, you are Roger's son" I said, he looked pissed off, I aimed at the correct spot then

"Now then, I want to start another crew with the same people again, most of you guys are orphans and don't have families, or your main sorce of living comes from baba's ship,i want to continue his legacy" I said

Panic set among the others

"Huh? Captain? Her?"

"Isn't she like half our age? "

"Shuush she is strong, she will be a good captain"

"Hey hey what about the ship"

"What if she changes the chef"

All types of mumbles started to reach my ears

Marco stepped in

"I already pledge my loyalty to y/n long ago,No matter her decision, I will follow her" He said

Most of the panic voices went still, most of them cheered, They all trust marco
Well he is the first division commander

"If only the second division commander was this reliable" I mumbled to myself

"What did you say?" Asked Ace

I ignored and went back to the hut
Marco follwed me

"Looks like they accepted you already, i told them if anyone doesn't want to join can go their own way, or stay here, we won't bother them as long as they don't turn into enemies" Marco answered

"That guy is troublesome, i get why baba said to take care of him" I told Marco

"Haha he is loved by all tho" He said, trying to assure me that Ace isn't a threat

"I know, i knew him before" I answered

"Y- you did?" He asked shocked, i didn't bothered to reply

"Hah where is that rubber guy?" I asked him

"The heart pirates came along with the warlord hancock, and they took him to her island" Replied Marco

"Owh, okay" I said and sat on my bed

Marco got the hint and brought out my medicines and handed me a glass of water



"I am proud, you grew up"

"I just hope baba is proud"

"He is, trust me"

"Why should I trust a guy who thinks his pineapple hairstyle is cute"

"Mann Stop roasting me any chance you get, I have a reason for this hairstyle!!!" Marco giggled

"Btw, Red haired shanks has pops with them right now" Added Marco

"..........." After a pause I answered "Should I go and bring his body back to make a grave here on this island?" I asked

"No need, i already got a letter from them, they said they are coming here with the body, that was 1 week ago" Marco continued, i stayed quite

"I didn't tell you for you know what" He added again

"Hmm, make preparations for the funeral" I said, having my medicine and giving the glass of water back to Marco

"You really act like a queen" Giggled Marco

"I am a queen, I am baba's daughter" I said

*At the hill of the island*

"She always acts so high and mighty" Said Ace to deuce

"I mean her dad is pops, even i would act all high and mighty if I was his real son" Answered deuce biting into an apple

"WE ARE HIS REAL SON" said Ace pissed off

"Awee you seem to be jelly that y/n is pop's biological daughter" He teased

"Sh- shut up!!" Ace answered

"She even..... She even put me down in front of everyone with Roger's name.. " Said ace looking down

Deuce just sighed

"What does she think of herself, saying whatever she likes just cuz she thinks I won't beat her up because she is a woman" Ace added

"I dont think she says whatever she likes because she knows she has the woman privilege, I think she just knows she is one of the strongest and you can't do shit to her" Said deuce harsh and Ace groaned

"Whatever" Ace replied

"You do have to agree tho, she beat up that cap lava navy without even bothering to look at him once,on the other hand, you were having a hard time with him" Deuce said

Shouted Ace throwing an apple towards deuce which he caught

"Well she did gave us time to consider whose side we want to be,she said she will set sail in 2 weeks as her and Marco will go to buy a ship soon, think your decision throughly"
Said deuce as he took a bite from the apple and got up from the green grass they both were sitting on

*Chapter Ends!! Byeee :3!!!

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