Chapter : 7 {Escape}

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Y/n's POV :

Soon we were flying on the sky of Sphinx, the usually calm island was filled with chaos and corpse......

My eyes filled with anger
I forgot to put Ace down from the sky and got down to the ground, I ran towards the center of the island where the main village is

Marco followed me screaming my name while Ace shouted for me to release him so that he can fight

Marco grabbed my hand and put me to the ground

"Shuuh y/n, we need backup... " Said Marco

I tried to remove his hand but he seemed serious...... No y/n, you are a captain now, so many people decided to trust you without even knowing you.... I can't put them down for my anger..

I touched Marco's shoulder to assure him I won't run away
He relased me from his grab and removed his hand

"Marco, go call for backup, I will take care of everything till now" I told him as he flew away after giving me a nod

.... Should I now just watch my people get killed till then? .....that bastard...
I was shaking with anger... Now I regret wasting my mana this days without reason..

"And what do we have here?" Said a man's voice, it was harsh, he seemed to come from the back of the bushes

"And what do we have here?" Said a man's voice, it was harsh, he seemed to come from the back of the bushes

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.... It was a tall man, he had a rifle in his hand

Maybe it's Teach's nakama? I smirked, easy kill

"Is she one of the villags girls?" That man asked another crewmate

"Hey girl, if you shout you die, and if you stay quite we will just take you with us-"
Before that crewmate whose name I don't know finished his sentence I kicked his head open

Yuck, eyeballs

The tall man just watched before speaking

"Whitebeard's daughter eh? Great for me, I will also like a 1 vs 1 against a real strong person-" Before he could finish I kicked his head and grabbed it, well that's expected

"Such common move?" He asked with a smirk

I hold his right arm as he was grabbing me with his left one, then I tear it apart

He didn't deserve a painless quick death, I am gonna make each of theirs death as painful as possible

"AHHHHH YOU BITCH" he screamed as he threw me towards a tree, lol didn't hurt

I ran up to him jumping on top of him, this time he moved away however his right ear was in my hand

"I always asked a friend of mine...if people can still hear us if they get their ear tear off.... I never got the answer of that from Aoto................. HEY, can you hear me right now?" I asked with a grin, with his ear in my hand, his blood dripping down my fingers

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