Chapter : 18 {Mess}

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Y/n's POV :

"So you went unconscious after seeing me and Marco and misunderstanding us?" I said worried

He nodded yes

"Idiot" I smacked him

"That's not Ace's fault, anyone will misunderstand" Defended Marco

"Btw Ace" Said Marco

"Hm? "

"Why were you spying on us?" Asked Marco in a serious tone

"Ah I didn't even realized this" I said as I gave Ace a death stare

"I- I just came to hear about you guys real plan but ended up seeing all that" He replied

Looks like Aoto coming back has increased him tension


Today was the day Aoto is coming..... Ace isn't playing around as usual but is helping around his crewmates

Marco planned a party for after Aoto returns too

Aoto's argument was with baba... Marco and Aoto's friendship should remain the same right?

Who knows

I kept sighing minutes after minutes, Ace seemed to be sticking around me more



"What are you doing?"

"Taking this sack of potatoes into the kitchen"

"AND DOES THIS SEEM LIKE A KITCHEN TO YOU??" I shouted as I kicked him and his potato sack out of my room

He is like a small puppy following me around


We all went outside,As per Aoto's second letter, he will be returning at the afternoon


"Hey Y/n, how has it been? I have managed to take care of the navy for some weeks, they won't be bothering me for a month as per my calculations now, I will be returning in a week, on this same day

Arrange a welcome party for me too!
^ ^

-Your Aoto


That letter was sended a week ago

I sighed again, Ace started to sulk real badly after that letter and ended up coming to my room at midnight

I sighed again, my Life is a mess right now



"Y/n...." Mumbled Ace

"You idiot" I yawned putting my pen down, it was already midnight

"Working?" He asked

"Stressed" I amswered

He grinned a little

"Me too"

"At least you don't have so many paperworks and calculations to do" I joked

".... Mine one is heavier Y/n.....waiting for someone to make a move, who is probably also capable of stealing the girl I love from me.... Gosh... I can't even do anything before this guy decides to come and reveal his real motive" Said Ace

"..... Don't be so sad Ace, it doesn't suit you, also I don't think Aoto is coming back for me.... Then he won't had left the way he did any way" I said with a sad smile

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