Chapter : 15 {Past}

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(Note : to match the dates up, in this ff Ace was already born and was 1-2 when Roger died, however they never met)

Y/n's POV :

It was nighttime, I hadn't eaten or even took my medicines

"Y/n, no point in starving yourself" Said Marco

"..... " I didn't replied

"Come out Ace" Said Marco to Ace who was peeking at us thought the door

I turned to Ace and he seemed afraid

"Y/n....." Mumbled Ace

"If anyone doesn't have any work with me then please leave me alone"
I said

"I- I am here for a important matter" Said Ace determined

"State it"

"Y/n....who is Aoto?" He said, staring straight at me.... He got somw courage now huh

"Why do you wanna know Ace?" Asked Marco

"Be- because I love Y/n"

Huge silent came over the three of us

"Oh? You do?" Smirked Marco

"So I guess you have the right ti know about who 'Aoto' Y/n's Ex fiance is, right y/n?" Said Marco in a cocky tone and I gave him a nasty stare

"No need to make him a secret anymore right?" Said Marco.... He is right tho... I am just immature.. Keeping everything to myself.....

"Fine" I said and started talking


"Babaaa!!" Shouted 3 year old y/n

"My princess" Shouted back White beard, and hugged Y/n

"So that's your daughter? She sure doesn't resemble you" Said Roger as he took another drink

"Eh? What did you expect her to look like?" Asked Whitebeard

"Uhmmm To have a big mustache like you?" said roger in a serious tone

"I will cut you up" Answered pissed Whitebeard

"This time too... The fight ended in a tie.. " Roger sighed

"Ah btwww do you know?" Said Roger excited

"What?" Asked Whitebeard

"Rogue is bearing my child!!" Laughed Roger

"Oi oi should you not keep that as a secret?" Asked Whitebeard

"Nah it's fine if its you" Laughed roger

"I hope the child comes our healthy and not egotistical like you!!" Laughed Whitebeard

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? anyways, I decided if its a girl the name will be Ann" Stated Roger and Whitebeard kept drinking

"Y/n chan and my Ann can be best friends then!!" Said Roger as his heart melted looking at the small y/n

"And if its a boy?" Asked Whitebeard


"His name is gonna be Ace"

"Seriously? You are a terrible father, naming your son after your sword! Can't even think of a name huh?" Teased Whitebeard

"Nah! It's just that... The boy is gonna be number One, a king just like his father!" Smirked Roger

"Hmm" Replied bored Whitebeard

"If it's a boy he can marry Y/n chan--"

"I aren't letting my precious princess get married to a idiot's son!!!" Shouted Whitebeard as they got into fighting again

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