Chapter 2

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"Now this is shaping up to be an eventful Tuesday evening."

"Origin, please respond."
"Y/N, come in."
"Wall, can you hear me?"

Conference room

"Gather around people. Options." Mac orders as he comes into the conference room.

"Not great." Jax announces.

"We know they're alive. I've still got telemetry on their vitals." Heller says.

"How long do they have?" Morris asks.

"Maybe 18 hours." He answers.

"Ballast valves are jammed, which means it can't rise by itself. If we attempt to tow it, it's fifty-fifty the tanks will explode, and breach the capsule." Jax says.

"Can't we go hatch-to-hatch?" Mac asks.

"Not a chance." DJ announce.

"The external cameras showing severe hatch damage." Jax says.

"We have to try something." Suyin says, worried for her friends.

"They're six miles down and no one has ever attempted a rescue at that depth." Jax tells her.

"Well, that's not exactly true." Mac tells her.

"No. No way." Heller says.

"We can handle this." Suyin say.

"Not at 11,000 meters, you can't." Mac shakes his head.

"We've gone 5,000 meters, 8,000 meters. At some point it just becomes a number." DJ states.

"Why don't you try this number. Three. That's how many people have actually attempted a rescue below 10,000 meters. And the number one. That's how many are left alive to talk about it. One man. Jonas Taylor." He says, already getting his jacket from the chair to go retrieve him.

"And look what happened to that one man the last time he went to these depth." Heller say aggravated.

"He saved 11 people including you, Heller. That's what happened." Mac says annoyed with him.

"He left our friends there to die, because he had pressure-induced psychosis." He say standing up.

"Come on, Heller. That was your diagnosis. Jonas said something attacked them. Something big enough to take out a nuclear submarine." Mac tells him.

"He's a drunk." Heller says.

"You're not listening!" Mac shouts as Heller starts shouting too.

"He's washed up on a beach in Thailand." Heller exclaims.

"Did you hear what Y/N said?" Mac asks.

"I'm listening. I heard it." "Were you there?" They're bickering.

"That's enough." Zhang stops them. "We all heard Y/N's last transmission. We have to consider that Origin may have encountered something similar to what Jonas Taylor described. Something he was able to escape from."

"Ba! Please, we don't have time to wait to get him, let me do this." He shuts his daughter down.

"Prep the helicopter. We must go to Thailand." Zhang say.

Samut Prakan, Thailand

(Haven't written all of this yet.)

"Your boat, she's killing me. Number one engine slips out of gear and there's some leak in the hydraulics." The man tells Jonas.

"Hey, I'll take a look at it tonight." He tells him.

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