Chapter 4

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"I was worried about you, but then the crazy man told me he came to save you."

"Jonas, come in. Dr. Heller has vitals on Y/N and The Wall, but we don't have Toshi. Is Toshi okay?"

Mana One

You reach the surface. As you get out of the submarine, The Wall and you are taken away to the med bay immediately. You barely get the chance to glance back at Jonas, who's already watching you as you're ushered away.

"You couldn't bring Toshi back? Why not?" Suyin asks Jonas as she goes to him. Toshi and his wife was close friends of Suyin, she's angry and sad.

"He closed the hatch. He saved us." He answers.

"You left him." She states out of the blue. She lets her anger out on him. Jonas just looks at her in disbelief, and moves to go. "You left him because that's who you are." She tells him as she follows him. "You are the guy who leaves people behind." Jones stops and turns back to her, annoyed she's again keeping him away from going to you.

Jonas looks at Suyin angrily, but remembers that you wrote about a Suyin in your letters. You had become close and considered her and her daughter as family. You cared for her, so he decided to not let his anger out, just focusing on the fact that you had all lost someone and Suyin probably felt the loss of Toshi and he let her let her anger and frustration out on him.

"You go that deep, you take your life in your hands. It was your choice to send them down." He looks at mac who's been listening. "This is why i don't do this anymore, Mac." He tells him and walks off to find you.

Medical bay

He finds you in the med bay, sitting with The Wall. Trying to comfort him a little.

"How is she?" Jonas asks Heller.

"Got a beating, a few bruises and scratches but nothing serious. She'll be fine. Won't need to stay in the med bay tonight either." Heller tells him.

Jonas stares at him for a few seconds before going to Y/N, who is now free since a nurse took The Wall away for a blood test or something.

"Jonas." Heller stops him. Jonas slowly turns around. "I'm sorry.. I was wrong." He tells him.

Jonas just stares at him with a blank face a little before giving him a nod and walking over to you. But a voice takes his attention from behind heller.

You watched as Jonas stares Heller down.

"Y/N!" A high-pitched voice rings through the room. You look to the entrance, coming running towards you from behind Jonas and Heller, is Meying.

"Meying!" You smile and open your arms for her, helping her up beside you on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asks you.

"I'm okay sweetie." You reassure her.

"I was worried about you, but then the crazy man told me he came to save you." She tells you.

"The crazy man?" You asks. You smile looking up at Jonas who is now turned toward you watching the interaction with a ghost of a smile on his face. "He's not crazy, he was right." You tell her.

She looks at him with a sheepish look. He chuckles and walk over to you.

"Jonas." You whisper again still in a little disbelief that he's here. He stops right in front of your sitting figure with you legs dangling from the patient bed. He looks at you for a long time before he finally takes your hand. You don't hesitate to take his other in your hands too. You look down at your hand before looking back up at him. "I'm sorry for not fully believing you." You tell him.

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