Chapter 7

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"It's not just about the ones you lose. It's also about the ones you save."

You walk into Zhang's office, to find Suyin. You gently knock on the side of the wall to get her attention.

"Come in." She tells you, and you walk over to her, enveloping her in another hug.

"How's Meying?" You ask once you let her go.

"She's sad. And confused." She answers, sniffing.

"And how are you?"

"I really don't want to accept it." She says.

"Sometimes things happen that change you life forever." You tell her. "Meanwhile the world just keeps going. You think maybe it would just stop for a second, but it doesn't." You tell her from experience, she knows you lost you father too, but when you were much younger.

"How do you live with it?" She asks you.

"I'm here for you, Suyin. Know that. Meying too. Anything you need."

"Thank you, Y/N." She tells you and she hugs you once more before you go.

Jonas opens his door, freshly changed and he sees you walking down the hall sniffling.

"Y/N." He says and gets your attention. You turn to see him walking toward you. "Have you been checked out in med bay." He asks you.

"No, I'm fine." You tell him.

"Y/N, you have to get checked, just in case anyway."

"I will, later." You try to walk away before you cry more.

He stops you and envelopes you in a hug, you gladly accept.

"Im sorry." He says. "Sorry for you loss. I'm sorry for not saving them. I should've saved them." He mumbles into you hair. You look up at him. You caress his cheek.

"You tried Jonas."

"Did i? I left my two best friends to die." He says, referring to the mission 5 years ago. "I think about it all the time. Every day I replay it. Could i have done more?" He tells you. You don't know if he means now or then, but then you realise he means both.

"It's not just about the ones you lose. It's also about the ones you save." You tell him. He looks down thinking about what you said. "I'm glad you're here." You whisper and he looks back up at you.

"Jonas, Y/N?" You hear Macs voice from the hallway. You smile at Jonas and goes in the direction you heard Mac. Jonas looks after you a few seconds before following.

Mac tells you, Morris has called for a meeting at the mission bridge. You all walk there together.

The mission bridge

"I've informed the Chinese government about the meg. As well as the authorities in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia." Morris says. "The Chinese are sending two destroyers to take it out. So , this is now officially and thankfully out of our hands." He informs. After he takes a deep breath he continues. "I'm closing Mana One, until the meg is killed and an evacuation ship is coming here tomorrow morning."

"You damn right." DJ says.

"And finally, i just want to say, I'm sorry for losses. Your friends." Jonas takes your hand from behind you. You squeeze it taking the comfort he's giving you. "I came here to celebrate with you, and now I'm mourning with you."

"Go with Mac to get checked at the med bay, please." Jonas squeezes you hand a little before lets go of your hand to follow Morris out. You walk over to Jax, not having the chance to hug her after everything.

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