||Chapter 1|| A Young Prodigy

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"I don't suppose you wanted to see me just to get a 'Happy Birthday?'" Hitoryia said with the slight tilt of his head and as he crossed his arms.

"Oh yes, I made you some new weapons! Up until now you've been using the same type of weapons as people lower rank than you. So I finally got you some divine grade weapons!" Xylo said with a smile plastered on his freckled face.

Xylo pulled a table out from practically nowhere and showed Hitoryia. The table housed two completely custom SMGs, Hitoryia's weapon of choice, despite his ability to use most other kinds of weapons. He appreciated bathing his enemies with rapid fire. It was also easier to hit multiple targets that way.

He picked them up from the table and slightly smiled.

"Thanks." Hitoryia said as he got his grip used to the brand new handles of the guns. "Is that where the ash on your face came from?" Hitoryia said jokingly as he looked over to Xylo again.

"Probably. To be fully honest I wasn't really paying attention." Xylo said with a shrug of his shoulders.

While Xylo spoke he was already beginning to work on another project. Keeping his mind active and working. It was Xylo's tactic of keeping his mind sharp as well.

"Is that all?" Hitoryia asked.

"Besides the fact you have patrol duty with Luscious today, yeah." Xylo said without even looking up from his work.

"Cool." Hitoryia said as he began walking out and back towards his room. He made a quick stop there to grab his harness that held his weapons.

He carefully strapped it on and placed the new guns delicately into the holsters where they belonged. By the time he walked back out of his room he heard people training again. He adjusted his arms a bit to get used to the new weapons. He began making his way to the large room they called the training facility.

After walking for a while through corridors and corridors that all looked the same, he finally arrived at the door to the training facility. There were large windows plastered on each side of the door so you could see inside and see if it was too busy to train. Though a lot of people that were like Hitoryia at this point just went up some stairs that were inside the room off to the side. They led to some metal overhangs so someone could observe all of the people training and not train themselves. But its purpose when it was first installed was for those who used long range weapons like snipers. They'd go up to the overhang and aim at the targets from up there to test their bullet range and overall accuracy.

After observing the people inside for only a moment he stepped inside. Going directly to the stairs that led to overhangs unnoticed. He walked up the stairs carefully so he didn't make a noise loud enough to bring attention to himself or disrupt those training.

The overhang had a metal rail going along it so a person couldn't fall off without some difficulty. He crossed his arms over the railing and leaned on it while he watched the other people in the room train.

It looked to Hitoryia like a bunch of new recruits learning to properly aim a gun against a target that wasn't moving. Hitoryia snickered at the thought of them when they tried to shoot a moving target for the first time. But, they were being taught by unit leader Drax. Drax had been Hitoryia's unit leader several years ago, but Hitoryia climbed the ranks so quickly that he was only in a unit for roughly two weeks. Drax was a good leader, he usually had a plan and knew what to do to get everyone to get along.. He just wasn't Hitoryia's style.

While he was watching the new recruits train, he noticed one girl in particular. She kept standing by Drax and acting like a teacher's pet or something. It made Hitoryia feel annoyed just watching her. She looked like the other recruits were treating her like some kind of prodigy.. Sure, she could actually shoot the gun and hit the target. But it wasn't that difficult to aim for something that isn't moving and hit the trigger.

One of the recruits noticed Hitoryia on the overhang watching them and pointed him out. Drax looked up to where the recruit was pointing and smiled at Hitoryia. Then he waved. It felt corny to Hitoryia for Drax to do that.

Hitoryia rolled his eyes and made his way down the stairs and to the main floor of the training facility.

"Lieutenant Kazanaki." Drax said with a nod to Hitoryia.

"Unit leader Draxis." Hitoryia replied, returning the nodding gesture to Drax.

"Did you all know the Lieutenant is the youngest member to ever ascend to the ranks of command?" Drax said to the recruits.

"But he's twenty four, sir. That's certainly not the youngest." Said that girl that had caught Hitoryia's eye from the overhang for acting in a way that annoyed him.

"Actually, it is. To ascend to a Lieutenant and be above your elders. The Lieutenant commands his elders for the most part, Maya." Drax said with a gentle smile on his face as he placed his hand on Hitoryia's shoulder.

"Are you here to show off your skills, Lieutenant?" Drax turned his head to Hitoryia again and smiled at him.

"Actually, no. I wasn't going to. I have patrol duty today. First half is with Luscious, the second is alone." Hitoryia said with a partially annoyed sigh.

That girl, Maya, sprung up in excitement.

"Patrol 7-4?" She asked with a wide grin on her face. She was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

Hitoryia resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her over eccentric reaction to the patrol he had to go on.

"Yeah, that's the one." He said while giving into the urge to roll his eyes at her.

"I got assigned to go on that one too! I volunteered to go on patrol! Isn't it exciting, Lieutenant?" She said while looking at Hitoryia with pure glee.

"Man.. Bipolar much?" Hitoryia thought to himself in response to the girl's sudden change from condescending him to being excited about spending more than an hour with him.

He shrugged while looking at the girl. "Call it what you want, it's just another patrol for me." He said in a monotone voice to avoid seeming passive or any more annoyed than he usually is.

Without another word spoken from Hitoryia he turned around, making his way towards the exit. He gestured for Maya to follow him and quickly she did. They walked in silence for quite a while, neither saying a word. Though Maya only kept quiet because Hitoryia seemed to give off this tension in the air, she felt the feeling that if she spoke while she walked with Hitoryia and no one else around that she would get in trouble somehow.

Eventually, the two stopped in front of a door. A familiar reinforced, metal door. The label on the side read, "Professor Xylo" But no other words. It wasn't labeled as a laboratory or anything. The label confused Maya.

Hitoryia turned his head to Maya with a mischievous smile on his face. His hand inches away from the keypad that activated the door.

"Have you ever been in here?" Hitoryia said, maintaining his mischievous grin even while he spoke.

Author's note time! So I haven't been really working too hard on this story lately I do apologize for that! I recently received a message and just recently realized Wattpad didn't actually send my response! But I'm super happy that this story is progressing! I can't wait to get to the parts where Hitoryia and the crew are being super badass! (Except Maya, she'll really just be there..) Give me a blep in the comments for me so I know you made it this far!

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