||Chapter 1|| The Captain's Unit

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 Maya shook her head and said, "No.. That room is classified. You have to have special permission to go inside." Maya sounded a bit suspicious of whatever it was Hitoryia was plotting. Even if, to Hitoryia, he was just teasing Maya for fun.

Hitoryia pressed a few buttons on the keypad, and the machine spurred, "ACCESS GRANTED DEMON BOY " Hitoryia rolled his eyes and sighed as the door opened in front of him and Maya. Hitoryia began walking inside and shortly after Maya hesitantly followed him.

"..Demon boy?" Maya asked with a very confused look on her face at what the machine had called Hitoryia.

"Yup. Luscious did that. He actually pulls all kinds of pranks." Hitoryia said. At his own words he couldn't help but scoff. "He's not the big scary Captain he makes himself out to be.." Hitoryia's head hung down as he spoke. He didn't mean to make such a sad display of himself, but thinking about Luscious like that felt idiotic.

After walking further into Xylo's workspace, they saw Xylo in his chair. He had his chair turned to the side, devoting all of his attention to speaking with Luscious. He always was like that though; When Luscious was in the room Xylo couldn't help but bring his attention to Luscious all of the time.

"Is the Captain socializing with the head professor..?" Maya asked with a whisper to Hitoryia.

Hitoryia turned over to her and chuckled quietly.

"He is. You guys seriously don't know how good of friends Luscious and Xylo are?" Hitoryia asked back. Not even close to as quiet as Maya.

A short girl with her long black hair in two ponytails walked up behind Hitoryia and Maya. She smiled at Maya.

"I heard a lot of the new recruits have no idea how immature a lot of their superiors are!" The girl said with a big smile on her face.

Maya wasn't quite sure how to respond to that.. Because she'd been taught that all of her superiors took their jobs and ranks very seriously and would never even dream of being immature.

"Maya, that's Zyra. A nineteen year old girl with intentions of getting revenge on the vampires who took her brother. Zyra, this is Maya. A volunteer and new recruit to the hunters." Hitoryia said as everyone just stood by while Luscious and Xylo spoke to each other.

"Are we going to stop them..? Or..?" Maya whispered to Hitoryia again.

Hitoryia shook his head. "Nah, we'll wait until everyone gets here. We're still waiting on one more person." Hitoryia said calmly.

After Hitoryia said that, the three of them sat there in silence, they could practically hear Luscious and Xylo's conversation perfectly. Maya was thinking about how she'd managed to be so wrong about this unit.. And why the Captain's unit was so crazy.. She couldn't understand why the Captain had a nineteen year old girl and the Lieutenant. Whoever they were waiting for could not have been any better.

They heard the metal doors open behind them. A man that was just over six foot tall entered the room. He let out a hum and joined the group.

"Hey Lucy! Are you done with Professor Xy? I'm ready to get going. I got a date after patrol." The man said with no hesitation. Maya's eyes widened at the rudeness of the man. How could someone possibly be so rude to their superior without a second thought?

Luscious stopped speaking to Xylo. He walked over to the group and looked at the man.

"Hm. What a flattering attitude, Lux. Your personal life doesn't concern us. So spare us the second hand embarrassment for you and keep it to yourself." Luscious said and smiled at Lux. Slightly tilting his head to the side and placing his hand on his hip.

Hitoryia noticed Xylo's freckled face gained a slight pink hue, like for someone of his intelligence, he hadn't noticed the group of people waiting for Luscious to finish talking with him. Xylo turned his chair back to his desk and pulled the fluffy neck of his gentle orange turtleneck over his mouth and nose. Hiding the lower part of his face like a turtle.

"Come along now then!" Luscious said as he started walking out of the room. Zyra and Lux immediately started following him despite the tension.

Hitoryia stepped over to one of Xylo's desks that held weapons, harnesses, and other things for the weapons. He grabbed a gadget that had a holster for a pistol and was supposed to be worn around someone's leg, most likely their thigh.

"Here." He said as he tossed it to Maya. He took a small bow clip off of the side of his harness and stepped over to Maya.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Maya said while holding the gadget Hitoryia had tossed to her.

"You put it on.. Here, I'll just do it for you." Hitoryia took it out of Maya's hands and kneeled down. Carefully wrapping it on Maya's thigh and adjusting it so it wouldn't fall but wasn't too tight. He put the little bow clip he'd taken off onto it. Right on the center. Then he stood back up.

"Ta da. See? That wasn't that difficult." Hitoryia said while placing a pistol he'd grabbed into the holster attached to the gadget.

"What's with the bow?"

"It's Lady Amelle's thing.. She loves having everyone have a bow somewhere. Lux has one on his sword. Zyra has a keychain on her keys.. And Luscious..." Hitoryia paused.

"He wears them everywhere." Maya said. After all, it didn't take a genius to look at Luscious and see every bow he wore everywhere.

Luscious wore a bow earring, he wore his hair in a bow, and he had a bow to the side on his waist. But he was one of the first to be around Lady Amelle anyway, so he wore her symbol with pride all of the time.

"Yeah, he has them everywhere." Hitoryia replied.

Hitoryia started walking out of the room, expecting Maya to follow him. And she in fact, did follow him. For some reason Maya couldn't help but smile at Hitoryia, he was being very kind even though she'd been a bit rude and skeptical of him.

"Don't give me that face." Hitoryia said sharply without even looking directly at Maya.

Maya kept smiling despite that and even laughed slightly at Hitoryia's spitefulness about her smiling.

"Hey, do you have a bow on any of your clothing?" Maya asked while trying to inspect Hitoryia's outfit for one.

Hitoryia pointed to his right boot, where a bow was attached to the ankle on the outside.

"Yeah, I do. Just right there though. I'm not a big fan of having bows everywhere." Hitoryia said and crossed his arms.

"You know, I thought you'd be a tough guy." Maya paused and looked at Hitoryia. "But you know what? You're actually really sweet!" She continued with a smile still plastered on her face.

Author's Note: Enjoying life while writing my story on the side. I've started working on other little story projects for the future! I don't know if I'll actually post said other stories on here, but I may. Though they're intended to be shorter stories that I made to move quickly. Also, how would you guys feel if I posted short stories of the series in alternate universes? Personally I think it'd be a good idea for some more entertainment while you wait for the main story to continue!

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