||Chapter 1|| Let The Hunt Begin

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 "Yep! Unless Captain Luscious tells me otherwise!" Zyra replied with a lighthearted and bubbly smile plastered onto her face. But when she turned her head so she had more of a view at the deserted land to the sides of the two, her smile quickly faded. Without warning Zyra began running into the city. Maya didn't know what was happening and looked to the desert as well. A horde of monsters had been rapidly approaching the city. Maya's only reaction was to follow Zyra and hope for the best.

"Captain! Lieutenant! We have a situation!" Zyra yelled despite how out of breath she appeared from the abrupt running.

Shortly after Luscious and Lux came running out, but there was no sign of Hitoryia.

"What happened? What did you see?" Luscious asked Zyra, despite the situation Luscious' voice and body language remained calm.

"Monsters! An entire horde of them!" She yelled in response. Her voice panicked as her breaths were still shallow.

"Wonderful.. Always scheduling attacks on the worst days possible.." Luscious said, his tone getting quieter and more annoyed.

"What's the plan Captain?" Lux said as he looked at Luscious. Maya noticed Lux didn't call Luscious some kind of stupid nickname.. It felt odd. But she was more worried about where Hitoryia had managed to disappear to in a place like this.

"Lux, you go find Hitoryia. He can't be that far. Inform him on the situation and keep up your guard on the way."

"Yes sir." Lux said and began running off to find Hitoryia.

"Zyra, the moment you see a monster don't hold back. I don't plan to lose anyone today. That goes for you to Maya. If it isn't human, give it a bullet to the head."

"Y-Yes sir.." Maya couldn't help but hesitate at the order Luscious gave her.. It was quite brutal in her eyes..

He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. He whispered something and pulled out the sword. The crimson blade sparkled in the sun that hit the abandoned city and he lifted the blade to his face.

"Let the hunt begin." He said while swinging the sword down to the side in a quick slicing motion.

Zyra put her hand out to the side and a small burst of flame emerged for only a moment in the silhouette of a bow. Then, a large bow appeared in Zyra's hand and she got in position to shoot an arrow even though there didn't seem to be one loaded into the bow. Moments later a red arrow formed out of nowhere. Simply because, that is Zyra's divine weapon. A bow that forms magical arrows out of thin air; supplying her with infinite ammunition to fire her bow.

"Did you not hear the captain, Maya? Get out your weapon!" Zyra yelled to Maya.

Maya fumbled to grab the pistol Hitoryia had lent to her and began aiming it at the approaching horde of monsters. Luscious got into a stance that suggested he was about to start cutting things to shreds with his sword. Luscious began cutting effortlessly through crowds of monsters, their blood staining his clothes and getting on his face. Zyra was aiming at the monsters that were out of Luscious' range and taking out groups at a time with a single arrow. Maya stumbled to aim her gun at the monsters that were actually in her range. Her hands wouldn't stop shaking as she tried to hit them. Most of her bullets were obviously missing due to how much she was shaking.

"If Flux doesn't hurry up, I'm going to kill him! We need the stupid demon boy! Surely he understands that!" Luscious yelled while in the middle of decapitating three monsters at once with a single slash of his sword.

"Demon boy? That's the Lieutenant, right?" Maya asked, not really expecting a response from Zyra because she seemed focused on hitting her targets and killing monsters. Maya on the other hand couldn't gather the focus to really hit the monsters no matter how hard she tried.

"Yeah..! The Lieutenant has a very reckless style of killing these things.. But it gets the job done faster than any of us can.." Zyra said. Her reply took her quite a while to finish because she kept shooting even while being distracted by conversing with Maya.

It was a fact that Hitoryia liked using SMGs despite his knowledge on other weapons. Hitoryia always said he enjoyed the constant fire power weapons like his provided.

Maya nodded to herself. She had never seen Hitoryia use his weapons.. But she had noticed them earlier on the holsters of that harness he wore. In her opinion, it looked uncomfortable to wear.. But it always seemed like Hitoryia was just fine despite the uncomfortable look it had.

Finally, Lux came out of basically nowhere.

"I couldn't find him! That idiot must've been wandering too far and gotten out of my reach!" Lux yelled while joining Luscious with his large greatsword.

"Seriously!? Are you here for nothing Flux!" Luscious yelled while the two of them kept getting the blood of the monsters stained all over them

"Get off my back, Lucy! The idiot will be here!" Lux yelled in response. Maya felt confused at how this whole unit just socialized while casually murdering a bunch of monsters..

"I'll get off of your back when you quit being a slacker! And quit calling me Lucy or I'm taking your head!"

"Why!? You call everyone nicknames! Like you call me Flux instead of Lux!"

"Because I'm your superior! I'll call you what I want!" Luscious and Lux went back and forth. Their yelling while calmly murdering a bunch of monsters for some reason felt amusing to Maya.

Out of nowhere heavy fire from a gun roared louder than Luscious and Lux's yelling. Within mere moments the monsters Luscious and Lux had been trying to slaughter fell over dead.

"What's with all of this obnoxious yelling? Are you two trying to draw more attention to yourselves?" Hitoryia said from the ledge of a building, his SMG in his hand as he loosely held it in a position that suggested he had shot all of those monsters with a single gun and hardly aimed. Maya couldn't help but look over to Hitoryia in slight astonishment.

"See? Reckless." Zyra said while the previous aura of fire appeared around her bow, then disappeared with it. She used her other hand to point up at Hitoryia.

"You really took your sweet time, demon boy. And you could have damaged a comrade aiming like that! Use your head Lieutenant!" Luscious scolded Hitoryia. Hitoryia's response was to roll his eyes and place his gun back into its holster.

"Oh shut it, old man. The fact is that no one was injured on my accord, so why does it matter? It was a calculated risk." Hitoryia sat down on the ledge of the building; beginning to climb down carefully.

"Plus, you'd have been fine even if I did shoot you. Vampires can only be killed by a divine weapon or a stake to the heart." Hitoryia said after he'd finished climbing down and wiped himself off from the soot and dust the building attached to his clothes.

"Make sure it's wood!" Lux encouraged.

"Hitoryia, your guns are divine weapons." Luscious said while hitting Lux in the ribcage with his elbow.

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