||Chapter 2|| Wreckage in Ruin

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"Ugh.." The man grumbles as he awoke in his dimly lit room. He sat up, inching out of his bed and standing at the edge.

"God..You'd have thought they'd provide better housing if they really have all of this power and land that they say they have.." The purple haired man mumbled to himself as he rubbed his temples.

He stepped over to the bathroom, looking into the mirror while he turned on the faucet and cupped his hands together, putting them under the stream of water and splashing the water onto his face as he leaned over to be closer to the faucet. He stood up straight and rubbed his eyes, looking at himself in the mirror. He ran his hands through his hair and grabbed a comb, running it through his hair to tidy it up a bit from its messy looking bed head.

Then he stepped back out of the bathroom and to his closet, the doors were cheaply made; they were a very loud and creaky wood and would give you a splinter if you weren't careful while opening them. The creak always sounded like you were in some kind of horror movie, the purple haired man always found it amusing, until it gave him a splinter, of course. He looked in the closet for a moment, trying to find a certain outfit for his upcoming meeting later on in the day.

"Ah ha! There you are!" He exclaimed while grabbing a carefully made, violet vest with a white dress shirt beneath it. "Ah..Where did I put my pants..." He said while eyeing around his room trying to find his solid black dress pants. When his gaze did not fall upon the pants he was looking for, he began opening his drawers, trying to find the pants he'd someone misplaced.

"Oh come on..I just washed those..! Where did they go.." He mumbled to himself as he continued to rummage through anywhere he may have put his pants.

His searching came to an end when he realized he'd set them on his bed the night before. He felt himself cringe as he turned around and picked up the pants. "There you are!" He cringed to himself again. "..Man..Male blindness for ya.. Why do I say that so often..?" He paused when realizing he was having an entire conversation with himself. "..Oops.." He thought to himself as he let out a slight chuckle. He sighed and slipped on his dress shirt, carefully buttoning up the unnecessary amount of buttons that were on the shirt. Then he slipped on the violet vest, its glossy texture cold against the skin of his hands for only a moment.

He switched out his gray sweatpants for the dress pants he'd previously spent almost twenty minutes searching for.

"That's much more presentable." He said with an approving nod. He hummed in amusement as he stepped back into his bathroom to look into the mirror. "If my sister saw me right now, she'd have said 'I told you to dress nicely' or something.." He thought to himself. A small frown appeared on his face as he recalled his family and the events that led to him getting where he is. "Sorry ma.." He thought, almost replying to his own thoughts. His attention shifted as he stepped out of the bathroom again, moving over to the nightstand that was next to his bed. He picked up his phone that he'd left on the nightstand. He unplugged the cable it was attached to so it could charge; opening the camera and walking back into his bathroom. He posed in front of his mirror and took a casual photo. He smiled and placed his phone into his pocket. "That was a pretty good picture! Good job, me!" He thought as he made his way out of his bathroom for the final time.

He grabbed his keys that were hanging up from a post he'd bought a few days prior; then walking out of his room and into the carpeted hallway of the building. The government that was incharge of the monsters usually issued housing to anyone apart from their military, though it was less of housing and more like hotel rooms for people to live in until they stopped serving in the military.

"Oh, Leon! Didn't think I'd have the chance to see you today, with your big meeting or whatever." Exclaimed his next door neighbor, and best friend, Cass. Leon turned his head to the side while he was in the process of locking the door to his room.

"Oh, yeah.. Hehe.. Hey Cass." He smiled at Cass, awkwardly laughing a little bit at Cass' sudden appearance.

"Have you been having girls over? Your room has been pretty loud." Cass said and let out a lighthearted laugh. Cass's lips curved into a gentle smile.

"I actually have..My bad, Cass.. I'll try to keep it down next time.." Leon placed his keys into his pocket. "But I know you've had Akari over several times this week." Leon laughed to himself as he spoke. "You post about it online, but you two are also pretty loud."

"Akari being loud is not his fault! Don't pick on the shy guys!" Cass said while smiling brightly at Leon.

"I'm not picking on him! I know how shy he is!" Leon laughed. "I see you two basically everyday!" Leon smiled.

Cass chuckled and waved to Leon while walking away. Leon realized he had to go the opposite direction of Cass, he let out a sigh and started walking the other way. He started whistling a gentle tune while he walked. The architecture of the building was built like a hotel to match the aesthetic of a hotel instead of apartments.

When he finally made it outside he kept whistling, unbothered by the people around him. Eventually, he ended up in front of a large building. He stepped inside and nodded patiently to the man holding the door open for the guest. Most of the buildings that were in the monster's territory were destroyed, or mostly destroyed. They were mainly what was left of the humans who built them, unfortunately the monsters ended up winning this territory, though they destroyed it in the process; ending up forced to rebuild. Not a whole lot of people that Leon came across didn't know the first thing about the history behind why they lived in such ruin, all they knew is that was how it was "supposed to be". Leon was taught when he was younger that Monsters used to live under humans until a demon got tired of it and rebelled. That same demon would later become head of their entire civilization.

He made it through the long process of security, though he didn't seem to notice because he was zoning out during most of the process. He started walking up the stairs and making his way to the meeting room. When he got there he sat in his designated seat. Thinking about it, Xander wasn't in attendance..Which gave everyone in the room an uneasy feeling, Xander never missed a meeting.. He was always so focused it seemed impossible for someone like him to miss one.

No one's mind was in a good place during the meeting, the uneasy feeling of Xander's absence carried on throughout the entire meeting. Everyone in the room was trying to focus on the topic at hand, thinking maybe, Xander was just sick and hadn't let anyone know.. He had a tendency to do that though, he never communicated with people how he was feeling.

Even though everyone was uneasy, no one dared to mention Xander's absence. The air felt thick and hard to breathe, it was like there was an unspoken rule not to make a comment about how Xander hadn't shown up.

Those who had sought to earn Xander's position, now sat quietly at the long table as the meeting carried on.

Few words made it into Leon's mind, "Cursed humans...Recent findings...Teach them..Survive.." Those were the only few words Leon's mind could manage to hear through his deep worry for his Sergeant. While the discussions carried on, Leon sat in silence. Not mouthing a word, his gaze locked onto the table in front of him. His mind raced through the possibilities of what happened to his sergeant..

The moment before the meeting reached its conclusion, Leon stood up abruptly from his chair, his hand placed against the table. "And what of the Sergeant!? Surely finding out the reason for his abrupt absence should be one of, if not the top priority?" The man leading the meeting came to a speechless pause. His mouth opened like he was about to speak, then closed without uttering a word. The other members turned their heads to the man, anticipating an answer to be given to Leon's abrupt outburst.

Leon sighed, looking around at the other members for a minute before speaking again, "I will conduct a search." The other members turned to him, some gasping in surprise at his decision. The leader softly scoffed. "You and what men? No one will follow you after this." He said with a smug look on his face. Leon's brows furrowed at the leader's arrogance. 

Author's note: Wow! It's been a while since I actually updated a part on this series! I realized not many people actually care for my writing, so I've begun other projects to start working on and begin posting on Wattpad and any other writing website I manage to find! I don't plan to update this series regularly either, so sorry to anyone who may have been interested! If I manage to magically get people interested out of nowhere, I might decide to move my focus back onto this book instead of my other side projects.

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