||Chapter 1|| A Tired Child Of Envy

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"Then what do you envy, child?" Luscious kept his gaze on Hitoryia while Hitoryia decided what to say to Luscious. He had this soft and gentle look in his eyes. Hitoryia didn't mind Luscious calling him "Child" ; it felt oddly calming in this situation.

"I envy how you can behave like nothing ever bothers you.. Even after all of the suffering and trauma you've experienced.." Hitoryia kept his head held down. He hated being so vulnerable, especially when it came to Luscious.

"Hitoryia, child, no one is ever truly as untouched as they seem.. Not even a vampire like me.. People adapt and grow after the trauma, it's a part of life. I know it seems hard sometimes, but I promise you'll be okay in the end." Luscious placed his hand gently on the top of Hitoryia's head.

"Nice life lesson, stupid.." Hitoryia said with a laugh.

Luscious removed his hand and crossed his arms. "Oh hush, will you!? If you aren't gonna take me seriously, don't say stupid emotional things like that!" Luscious scolded Hitoryia. The two laughed at each other in a friendly manner like they usually would.

"If you didn't want my help you should've kept your mouth shut!" Luscious added.

"Doesn't that go against literally everything you just told me!?" Hitoryia yelled back.

"Shuddup!" Luscious yelled.

"No you shut up!" Hitoryia replied.

The two argued back and forth for a moment. After a moment someone was walking in the hallway and wacked both Luscious and Hitoryia in the back of their heads. "Ow!" They both yelled in response to the aching pain now in the back of their heads.

"What the hell was that!? It felt like–" Hitoryia got cut off by two different things. One was Luscious saying, "Porcelain..?" And the other was Lady Amelle looking at the two of them with an annoyed glare.

Her porcelain hands were pressed against her hips while she glared at the two of them. "Quit your bickering! I can hear you two numbskulls from my office!" She paused and looked at Luscious then Hitoryia. "Be professional for once you two. The people in this building look up to you for crap sake!" She continued.

Hitoryia was hunched over rubbing the back of his head where Lady Amelle had hit him, while Luscious was standing up tall, maybe even leaning back a little. He was also rubbing the back of his head though.

"Sheesh, what are you? My mother?" Luscious said sarcastically while looking at Lady Amelle.

"Technically, yes. She is your mother Luscious. You said so yourself." Hitoryia said smugly with a mischievous grin on his face while he looked at Luscious.

Luscious looked at Hitoryia and his eye twitched in annoyance. Lady Amelle then gave another hard hit onto the back of Hitoryia's head.

"OW!! Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Hitoryia yelled back.

"Good." Lady Amelle said.

"Wait, where is the bow that was on your harness?" Lady Amelle's puppet face scrunched with confusion.

"Gave it away to some girl that went on patrol with us." Hitoryia said while still rubbing his head.

"Hm. Okay, I guess that's fine." Lady Amelle said with a shrug of her porcelain shoulders.

"Are you gonna give him more, or..?" Luscious looked at Lady Amelle while he spoke. He took his hand off of the back of his head.

"I think I'll just paint his 'claws' pink." Lady Amelle looked at Hitoryia and smiled.

"..Can I wash it off after..?"


"Deal." Hitoryia smiled. He hated the whole bow thing, he always felt like it was such a waste of his time.

"Well, come on then, Hitoryia!" Lady Amelle called out while beginning to walk down the hall. "Oh, and Luz?" She added.

"Yes Amelle?"

"Change Hito's name in our system's back to his actual name will you? 'Demon boy' is unprofessional! Thank you!" Lady Amelle yelled to Luscious, she sounded very sarcastic at the end, earning an amused hum from Hitoryia. Luscious looked absolutely baffled, but in a way that had been purposefully over dramatic.

Lady Amelle was heading towards Xylo's office and Hitoryia was following closely behind.

When they got to Xylo's office she walked inside and went over to Xylo's computer where he was sitting in his chair working on one of his many experiments. She checked up on his process and then grabbed the pink nail polish. Hitoryia slipped off his right glove and let Lady Amelle paint his nails. When she was finished Hitoryia slipped his glove back on and began making his way back to his room.

While doing so he may have zoned out and just been idly walking through the halls. Eventually he felt himself run into someone and then he snapped back to reality.

"Agh– My bad, I wasn't watching where I was going." Hitoryia said it like an automated response. Then he processed who it was he bumped into.

"Oh, hey Lux." Hitoryia said. Then he noticed that Lux was walking with three girls he hadn't seen before.

"Hey Lieutenant Hitoryia!" Lux responded, sounding nervous and slightly awkward. Lux never really referred to Hitoryia as his actual title, which made him even more suspicious than usual..

"..Lux are you–" Hitoryia was cut off when he felt Lux's arm around his shoulder. Lux pulled him closer to himself like they were the bestest of friends.

"See? I told you ladies I knew the Lieutenant!" Lux said in a very cocky tone with a cheeky grin on his face. His arm is still holding Hitoryia close to him.

The girls giggled and started whispering to each other. Hitoryia rolled his eyes when the girls started whispering, Hitoryia's mind was hoping they were talking about how much of an idiot Lux was.

"You and the Lieutenant would be such a cute couple!" One of the girls said, her high pitched voice making Hitoryia's ears sting in annoyance. He felt himself cringe at the girl's words.

Hitoryia elbowed Lux in the stomach, not hard enough to actually damage him, just enough to get Lux to take the hint to remove his arm. Hitoryia then walked to his room unbothered. When Hitoryia got inside he picked up his cell phone off of his nightstand that he hadn't realized he'd left behind in the first place. He went to his bathroom and removed his gloves and got into more comfortable clothing. After doing so he looked out his window and smiled. "The sunset looks awfully pretty tonight.."

Author's note: I hate to leave this chapter on such a cliff hanger. But, if you can guess, chapter two is coming soon!! I can't wait for it to finally shift perspectives to our other main character, Leon Corons! You'll get an idea of how the monsters are living and overall I'm so excited. Given the circumstances though, that means the intro part to chapter two might just be a bit late. Unfortunately chapter two itself only exists in my little drafting notebook..So I'll be working extra hard to get that chapter out to you guys as efficiently as possible.. Though, I guess I do have two weeks from when I'm writing this to publish that..So maybe I'm spoiling it..? No idea! We'll find out when we get there! 

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