1. Tallulah

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"Hi Aemond!" Tallulah Strong declared waving at Aemond as he passed, he barely spared her a glance. But Tully was not deterred.

She knew Aemond was the man for her, she just knew it, Aemond needed some help seeing that.

Tully had been in love with Aemond for as long as she could remember. She was the youngest of her siblings, her fathers second marriage was short lived, she was named after her mother who died giving birth to her.

Lyonel, may he rest in peace along with her big brother Harwin, was a good man. THey both were. But it was Larys that Raised her after they passed. Some would blame Tully's awkwardness on Larys but Larys thought his baby sister was perfect.

She had a crush on a boy that didnt know she existed but other than that she was rather normal. At least she thought so. She was 15 and never had a real conversation with Aemond and yet still believed they were destined to be together. She spent more time with her head in a book than in the real world. She hoped Aemond would see her and everything would fall into place.

Just drop the perfect man on my doorstep. That perfect man, she asked the Gods. But they were not listening. Aemond walked past her every day, as if she was just another statue.

Tully turned back to her book, Larys always found her the best books. Thrillers, mysteries, horror, the dark things that most girls cowered away from. But Tully liked the darkness. The gore. The violence.

Tully tucked her thick wavy black hair behind her ear when she thought Aemond looked her way but he was really just squinting at the sun in his eyes.

"You are going to love me one day." Tully whispered smiling back down at her book.

"WHo are you talking to?" Mallory questioned. Mallory Lannister. The perfect human being ever.

"Go away Mallory."

Mallory was blonde which all boys seemed to like, she was thin, like twig thin, had perfect complexion and her shiny blonde hair wasnt a rats nest first thing in the morning. Mallory Lannister, that hot bitch that turned every mans head without trying. Aka Tully's best friend.

"Why?" Mallory countered.

"Because I'm trying to get Aemond's attention and if you are here-"

"He might look this way?" Mallory mused. Tully growled back at her. "Come on, you know Targaryen is not my type." Mallory assured. "But I see the appeal in Aemond."

"Stop! Dont look at him like that, you could get pregnant looking at a man too long like that." Tully hissed.

"Could I?" Mallory chuckled sitting beside her. "I suppose my father will be a grandsire a few times over by now."

"You know what I mean, You are like a sex beckon." Tully decided.

"I like that- oh hey daddio, guess what Tully just called me?" Mallory questioned as Tyland approached.

"I dont think I want to know." Tyland corrected. "Hello Tully."

"Hello Lord Tyland." Tully answered.

"What are you ladies up to?" Tyland pondered.

"I'm reading, Mallory was leaving-" Tully reminded her but Mallory was louder and spoke over Tully easily.

"Tully is fawning over Aemond from afar like usual." Mallory declared.

"MALLORY!" Tully shrieked.

"That caught their attention." Mallory chuckled softly as heads turned their way. Mallory gave a sexy wave, everything she did was sexy. Tully was red faced surely and now Aemond chooses to look her way.

"Kill me now." Tully murmured. Mallory fisted her hand holding an imaginary dagger and pounded down on Tully's chest.

"Come on, boys are stupid." Mallory assured.

"Keep that mentality for another ten years." Tyland begged. "Have a good day girls. See you for supper Mallory?"

"Possibly unless one of these knights take me out instead." Mallory answered crossing her legs and leaning back, letting her long blonde hair drape down.

"What happened to boys are stupid?" Tyland questioned, Tully chuckled looking between them.

"Those are men. Not boys." Mallory corrected. "Men are hot, boys are stupid."

"Why can't you be good like Tully?" Tyland countered through an exasperated breath.

"He means boring." Mallory informed her. "Boring and unable to catch a mans attention."

"I did not." Tyland corrected. "I meant responsible." Also good and not trying to eye fuck every man that passed to piss her father off, yes. Be like Tully, Tyland thought hopefully but that was a waste of energy.

"I should get going." Tully remarked.

"Because Aemond is done training and you want to stalk him to the study?" Mallory mused. Tully could lie but Mallory knew her too well.

"Fuck off."

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