Bonus chapter - First dive together.

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You wait outside where you told Jonas could meet you, your watch say the exact time you told him to meet and you decide to lean back in you seat in your jeep and relax, thinking you'll give him a few minutes anyway. But just as you do so, the passenger door opens and you jump in surprise.

"Well, hello there, skipper." You say.

"Hello." Is all he answers. You start the engine and start driving.

"I didn't see your car. Did you walk here?" You ask as you drive out of the parking lot.

"Yes." He answers. He lives close by, but doesn't feel the need to answer anymore detailed.

After more talking where he answers one-worded you sigh and let the radio station fill the silence.

Jonas suddenly speak, surprising you.

"You squirm."

"What?" You ask.

"You squirmed and went rigid" He says. "You shouldn't tense your body when you get startled."

"Oh..Okay." You answer a little confused.

"Instead don't tense up, and turn toward what startled you so you're ready to take action. Or if you stand, bend your knees slightly." He tells you.

"I'll try to remember that." You say.

"Good." He just says, and you smile. Then silence again.

You turn the music up slightly when you hear a song you like, and start dancing a little in your seat and humming, patting the wheel with your fingers.


Jonas sits down beside you and you turn to him as you tighten the last strap to your oxygen tank on your back. You form a fist and move to fist bump him, he just looks at it confused. You shake it and he tries to do something but it gets weird but you manage to make a fun fist-bump out of it. That would turn out to became a tradition for the two of you each time you dived together. You laugh at the fist bump and lean back falling back into the water. Jonas falling beside you.

You look around and see Jonas as he's starts to look around. Watching Jonas in awe at his surroundings. It wasn't his first time diving but it was his first time diving with this type of view. You enjoy watching his reaction, before turning away to look and enjoy the view yourself.

He looked to his left to find you looking like you were having a seizure, shaking like that, but when you turned to him and pointed toward an extremely ugly and weird fish he realised you were laughing.

You hadn't noticed how Jonas had turned and made his body ready to take action, to help you to the surface if you were seizing. He relaxed the moment he saw how carefree and brightly your eyes shined through the goggles.

Your eyes were beautiful he took notice. He stopped his thoughts once he started to admire your bare legs and how well your swimsuit hugged your body.

You were a lot younger than him, so he probably shouldn't think like that. It wasn't like it was a date you had asked him on, he was glad because then he probably wouldn't have come, but you asked him to join your friends and coworkers and he really wanted to see a reef again, so he came.

... Later on your way back ...

You're in your car driving back with Jonas. Talking about the reef and telling him a little about the work your friends do and what you do. You tell him that you'll invite him and he could join whenever he wanted. He didn't say much to it then, but he would join almost every time. Not just for the dives, but to be with you. He made up hundreds of other reasons as to why in his head though.

Parking at where you picked him up you turn to him. You joke about something and look to Jonas, he stares at your for a moment. You just grin at your far from funny joke.

You're about to chuckle at yourself and turn off the engine when Jonas throws his head back, a loud echoing guffaw coming out of his mouth.

Something warm expands in your chest, resulting in a goofy grin on your face as you stare at him.

He mumbles something about you being so annoying, before leaving, probably to hide the grin that plays on his face as he left you to walk home.

Making Jonas laugh was now your new goal in life.

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