Bonus chapter - "You two know each other?"

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Your co-workers had asked you for recommendations for someone to come help out on an exploration mission you were all going to. They needed someone (for something that made you think about Jonas.). And you had immediately thought of Jonas. You called him and he picked up immediately.

"Y/N?" He asks, having seen your name on the screen when it vibrated.

"Jonas, hey! Are you working?" You ask since you hear the boys hollering in the background. Jonas had to leave the room so you didn't hear them teasing him.

"Yeah, what's up? Is something wrong?" He asks you. Since its the first time you've called, you usually just text much to his annoyance, so instead of answering on text back he just calls you if you text him. You've talked on the phone a lot during the months you have known him after he has called every time you texted about something. But it was the first time you've been the one to call first. It had made him a little worried, atleast thats what he told himself the fluttering feeling of seeing your name on the screen was.

"My team, is going on an exploration mission and we need (something he can help with). I thought of you, do you want to come?" You ask him, hopeful. You really enjoyed spending time with him, he was a lot of fun, and you found it fascinating to watch his reactions to new things and when you teased him or joked with him.

Jonas thinks about this as you keep explaining the missions details and how long you'll be gone for. He would have to get time off. But he didn't think that would be a problem because he hadn't taken time off since forever.

"I'll talk with my boss, and let you know." He answers as if its a business deal or something. Vague and a little cold, but he was just starting to plan because he wanted to go.

"So, you want to come?" You ask him. His surprised by your question.

"Yeah." He answers and you smile, and nod. But then remember he can't see you.

"Okay, good. Let me know and I'll tell my team. Bye, Jonas." You say.

"Bye, Y/N."

You go back into the conference room and you tell the team about your friend who's going to ask to get time off to join.

Mission day.

Your standing on the dock waiting for Jonas, as he gets there you go to meet him by his car.

"Hey! You ready?" You asks him. He nods to you, and you walk to the boat you're travelling with.

Jonas gets into the boat first and turn to hold his hand out to you. He helps you down, and you walk to the bridge with him. There everyone is chilling and talking.

You walk in and everyone turns their attention to you. Then Jonas walks into the room behind you.

"Jonas?" Mac says, surprised.

"Mac." Jonas is surprised too.

"You two know each other?" You ask them.

"You two know each other?" Mac empathises on you. This grumpy ass being the last person he thought you would hang out with.

"Yeah." You answer a little proudly, Jonas takes notice and smiles at you. Which Mac notices and realisation comes to him and he smiles brightly and goes to bro hug his old friend.

"It's good to see you again, man. Been a long time now." Mac tells him.

"Not long enough." Jonas jokes and hug him back.

"Mac is station chief and mission chief of the team." You tell Jonas.

Mac goes to explain how he and Jonas know each other. (Been friends in college or something , I don't know. And lost contact over the last few years.)

You introduce the rest of the team. (Mana one time isn't a part of your life yet. So there is other on this team.)

You go on the exploration mission, successfully. Jonas does an amazing job. Afterwards he was asked to join anytime they need someone like him.

It also made you, start teaching Jonas to pilot a sub. He found it fun and fascinating, he was a fast learner and in return he taught you to fight and certain rescue-techniques and other resourceful things to know.

He joined your team more often and he practically became a part of the team. In their eyes he did.

Mac and Jonas reconnect after that first exploration mission, spending more time with his old friend. They become a bigger friend group. Your friends and co-workers a team of 5 excluding you and Mac, and 4 guys from Jonas team, among them Mark and D'Angelo. And Heller joins often too, who works close with Jonas and the others. And the wives or girlfriends of the including group member. They become a close friend group over the two years, before that mission everything goes downhill after.

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