Bonus chapter - Deciding to admit their feelings.

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"So, do when are you leaving for the wedding?" Jonas ask Mac, just starting conversation.

"Wedding?" He asks confused.

"Yeah, the friends you told about last week at dinner with everyone. The ones getting married?" He tells him, confused as he doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Oh! Yeah, no. Theres no wedding." He tells him laughing.

"What? But you—"

"Needed to make you realise the age difference doesn't bother Y/N. There are people getting married with age differences but i just don't know any one of them" he laughs at Jonas dumbfounded reaction.


"Yeah, it's recently been the only excuse you've used when I've tried to tell you to ask her out, brother. You needed to get that out of that head of yours. I understand the hesitation in the beginning, but what you two have is gold, you need to go for it." He tells Jonas.

"But thats just it, its gold now, i love our friendship. I... I..."

"No, Jonas. you love her." Mac tells him and walks toward were another friend is waving for him. Not before clapping Jonas shoulder.

Jonas thinks about what Mac said the whole night. The next day he's on a diving trip with you and your co-workers. Your going to catch a certain fish for them to put a tracker on so they can study its behaviour and document their season travel-way. You sit down beside Jonas on the side of the boat in you wetsuit and he helps you buckle the last few thing on you gear.

Once he's does, you do your traditional fist bump and smile at each other and lean back, falling back into the water.

Below water you joke about something and when you successfully caught the fish in the net. The scientist are working you turn to Jonas with a comment and you start laughing at you own joke. Jonas realises in that moment that he loves you, with all his heart, he's yours and yours forever. He looks at you lovingly as you laugh. None of you notices that one of your friends and coworker has taken out her phone to take a picture of the two of you.

Later on she had sent you the photo and you had loved it so much you made it you laptop background.

Jonas has realised he loves you, he decided he had to tell you but it took a little longer to find the confidence to tell you.

During in which time you had become a little more aware of how Jonas made you heart flutter and how your stomach was full of butterflies when he walked into the room. And how his scowl and protective way toward you slightly turned you on. One time he had (Something, I don't come up with anything right now.) and you had had to go away to calm your breathing as to how turned on you were.

You thought about how much you friendship meant to you and if it was worth risking. In the end you couldn't just not tell him, it almost felt wrong, he had become the one you told everything to. You felt like you were keeping something from him. And you became really exited to tell him, at first, then insecurities took over you thought and you hesitated.

But you realised you had to try. You had to give it a chance. You were going to tell him tomorrow you had decided.

Jonas had finally decided he couldn't wait after he had watched you (Something I can't think of right know.) and all he wanted to do was kiss you. He planned, he was going to tell you tomorrow, and then he was hopefully going to get to kiss you.

The next day.

Jonas calls you, to remind you of your plans to dive with him that day. He had made plans with you this day, to have you alone and for him to do something that calmed him and you both loved.

Just as you are about to tell him you are ready for the day, as his phone blares off and he picks up the call. He hangs up and calls you back.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. They need me on a rescue mission."

" thats okay, il just see you when you het back."

"Alright, ill see you, bye."

"Be safe, Jonas. Bye."

On the sub.

«So, when you going to tell her you love her an secretly want to bang her?" D'Angelo asks Jonas, after they had asked how you were. And laughed about how that was normal to ask him about you. You were their friends too, but he was always with you.

Jonas gives him a death glare and D'Angelo looks down muttering a Sorry.

"Yeah, you're all big and scary, fearless, but when it comes to the perfect girl for you, you barely have the balls to tell her how you really feel." Marks tell him laughing. Jonas just grunts at their teasing, not even able to deny it anymore. He grumbles something under his breath. "What was that boss?"

"I was gonna tell her today." He says louder and they look at him with wide eyes.

"Thats great!" They cheer.

"Were here." The sub pilot announce and they go into action.

And everything goes downhill from there...

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