Bonus chapter - Unintentionally claiming each other.

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A local bar

You're at a bar with Jonas and some of your friends. You and Jonas had been sitting by the bar ordering drinks talking, when you get them you walk toward the table first, but Jonas is stopped by a girl. You look back seeing her obviously flirting with him. You ignore the slight uncomfortable feeling that came and push it away. He can do whatever he wants, it doesn't affect you, you think, turning back to your friends.

Jonas had conversed the woman before trying to politely decline her invitation to join her table with her friends. He wasn't interested, none interest whatsoever, which kind of surprised Jonas when he thought about it. Because she had been what he used to go for as a type before, but he didn't feel anything toward this woman, who was clearly good looking. But she just didn't make him feel anything, he wondered why.

Even though you had tried not to you glance toward Jonas and that woman, you did. You notice that Jonas is shaking his head and trying to decline, but the woman doesn't seem to take the hint, asking him if he's sure and telling him about her friends to try and convince him.

You decide to step in, you don't know what drove you to it but you walk over and snake your arms around his torso. And bringing yourself flush against his chest, keeping no space between you. You look up at him with a pout.

"What's taking so long, babe?" You ask him and he looks down at you with a little wide eyes and his eyebrows lifted a little but barely noticeable especially in the bars poor lighting, you just notice because of your closeness.

You turn to look at the woman not letting go of Jonas just moving you head. You look around a little before turning to the woman, pretending you didn't notice her. She was staring at the scene in front of her with wide eyes and a nervous look.

"Oh! Hi." You tell her with an innocent smile. You do it this way because you didn't feel the need to humiliate the girl. Now she can go away thinking that you didn't just see her flirting with 'your man'.

"Uh! Hi. Uhm... i was just... uh, going this way." She says pointing toward the bathrooms and walking away before you get the chance to say anything. You smile and turn you head back to Jonas. You still hadn't let go of him.

He had just stood there completely dumbfounded by your actions, he had become slightly dizzy at how it made him feel having your body flushed against his. He swallowed thickly as you let go of him.

"Your welcome." You playfully clap him twice on his hard chest smiling smugly. And walk back to the table.

He notes the way he felt cold and empty from the loss of your touch.

At a carnival or something

You had been talking to this guy and Jonas was watching from afar.

"Stop murdering the guy with your eyes." Mac tells him. Jonas looks at him with with the same look. "Don't eyemurder me either." He says and looks away, stressed by the deathly glare Jonas can give someone.

Its the closest thing to be a real 'if looks could kill' look. Anyone receiving it feels like they need to keep one eye open during that night. Well, everyone except you, you just smile brighter or smirk when you recive it, since you most likely had done something on purpuse to get a reaction out of him.

"I don't like him." Jonas states.

"Him as a person or him for Y/N?" Mac asks smirking.

"Both." He answers.

The guy now touches the small of back of your, making you uncomfortable but you don't let it show. You've always been good at hiding you feelings. Not even Jonas can notice, not from that distance anyway. But the touch itself makes Jonas blood boil.

"I'm going to kill him." He mumbles and walks off.

"Hm? Yeah, okay." Mac just say, not listening as he's completely focused on the food the waiter just came with.

Jonas reaches you but you don't notice until the guys hand is abruptly removed from you back, you release a breath you didn't know you had held, in relief. And turn to see Jonas. He's holding the guys hand bent in an uncomfortable way around to his back.

"You stay away from my girl, you hear me?" He tells him. The guy nods hurriedly, letting out a whimper as Jonas lets him go and walking away fast.

Jonas turns to you and you had just stood there drinking from the straw of you drink, enjoying the scene. As you make eye contact you smirk.

"Your girl, huh?" You say. He just smirks.

"Yeah, my favourite girl." He answers smiling, referring to one time when Jonas had ended up on the girls team during a paintball match their friend group had arranged. He had called them his girls. But when someone asked him something and he had joked by saying that, that person asking was trying to get an answer from Jonas so he asked which one of his girls. And Jonas had answered his favourite girl, looking at you.

Jonas hadn't planned on referring to that as the reason he called you his girl in this moment, he had just remembered it in a hurry to find an excuse when you teased him. Because really, it had just fell from his mouth like it was the most natural thing to say, and it felt right. He noted down that. So did you in your mind, noting how it felt when he called you his girl.

You later realised that you in a fact are his in a way. You realised that you hadn't really flirted with anyone except your playful and innocent flirting with Jonas. You hadn't dated or even thought about dating anyone after you met him.

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