Bonus chapter - "My hero."

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Jonas is joining you on a dive with for your team a work. And you're waiting for him, but he was sent on an emergency rescue right before his shift ended so he had to stay longer. Your team decides to start the work when you planned to, so you dive alone.

What none of you predicted was the landslide that happened, you tried to dive out of the way, but a rock hit your mask and another rock landed on your foot trapping you down.

"Y/N, come in? Are you okay?" Mac asks through the coms. You grunt in answer. "Y/N, come in. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, Mac. I can hear you." You tell him and look down on your tablet and see your oxygen level dropping. "But I'm in a bit of a pickle."

"What's going on?" He asks.

"My mask was hit, I'm leaking oxygen." You take a deep breath you slow your heartbeat. "And I'm trapped."

"Okay, hold on Y/N. We'll get someone down there soon." He tells you and look worriedly around at your team. The all share glances and starts planning. After a few minutes of you loosing oxygen rapidly and them getting ready. Jonas comes down the dock where your team had put up all th equipment for the job.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." He says and looks at the team. The look at him with wide eyes. He notices how their all on edge, stopped in their tracks trying to get ready for something. "What?" He asks. Then he looks around for you.

"Jonas." Mac starts and take a step toward him. Jonas looks at him when he can't see you. "It's Y/N."

"Where is she?" He asks Mac.

"Jonas?" Your voice comes through the speakers. You had barely thought you heard his voice through you coms.

"There was a landslide. Her foot is trapped and she's loosing oxygen. We need to get down there." He tells Jonas.

"Well what are you waiting for." Jonas says sternly and Mac looks down at the wetsuit he was literally about to wrap up and jump into the water in. Jonas takes off his jacket and shoes and walks over to the tanks, takes one and jumps into the water.

"Was that Jonas?" You ask again, since you didn't get an answer.

"Jonas is on his way Y/N." Mac tells you and you smile.

"That's nice." You mumble as you start to get very sleepy.

After a few minutes you see a figure swimming toward you. Your vision is a little blurry so your not sure what it is until it gets closer.

"Oh, hey Jonas. Funny meeting you here." You say.

"Y/N he doesn't have an earpiece so he doesn't hear you." Mac tells you.

"Oh. So i can say whatever i want and he want know?" You ask, dizzy.

"Yeah." Mac smiles, hoping you will say something entertaining.

"Hmm. Your really handsome Jonas, but I've already told you that, thats no secret. Hmm." You try to think of something to say, but before you confess you feelings you don't even know you have yet, you watch Jonas lifts the rock on you foot.

"My hero." You mumble as he grabs you to swim you up to the surface.

Once you're up, he rips of your mask and you gasp for new fresh air.

"You okay?" He asks you. You nod and smile, holding on to him. He swims you toward the dock. Where your team was. The help you up and mac and Jonas drives you to the hospital for a check even though you tell them you're fine.

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