Chapter 4 : Maya (Things that make me happy! And who's Lucifer btw?!)

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It's 3:30 am in the morning. I want to look out of the window, I did yesterday and the view was so beautiful but how should I do it now, cause Riya is sleeping as her bed is kept just below the window....she came first so she chose that bed.
"Maya! Let's not start your day with disappointment." I explain myself.

I go out to walk a bit atleast...when I was walking back yesterday I saw a beautiful garden in the neighborhood. But as I walked downstairs I see a lock on the gate and realise that I cannot go out.

I turn back with the constant sadness on my face and go back to my room and lie down on the bed.

"I think I still have to struggle a bit more to live the way I want to." I take a deep breath and keep my eyes open till it's 7 am finally and everyone wakes up.

"Good morning! You are awaken? Since when?" Riya asks.
"Not so long!" Say I, while going to get ready for the college.

As I come out of the washroom rubbing my palms.
"Maya! College will be started from Monday." Riya says
"The Warden just came and told me." She continues.
"Oh, I see." I reply back.

"Ok! Let's go, eat something....I hope the hostel's food won't be so bad." Riya calls while putting on her shoes.

I was about to follow her, but then I remember about the café.
"! I'd eat outside. You go." I tell her but she is already left.

I wear a red hoodie and trousers since it's quite cold in the month of October here. I wear my shoes while fixing my ponytail and run downstairs.

The Sapphires café and Bookstore.
I stand in front of it and gaze. A Café! A perfect place to relax and a bookstore! A perfect place to teleport into different worlds by just sitting at one place and sipping coffee. And both the things are in one place. Perfect!!

I step inside the café. It's so peaceful and beautiful, exactly like I imagined the place where I wanted to rest and take break from everything.
There are not so many people which is making me feel like I can finally breathe.

I choose a table which is kept just beside the big glass window.
I sit and look outside. This is what I wanted, this is what I needed.

"What'd you like to order, ma'am?" I hear a voice.
"A...maybe a Coffee." I reply as it was a waiter.
"Yes, the coffee is something which is why this café is famous." Says he, with a smile.
He brings a coffee and gives me a blank piece of paper.
"Thank you...and what's this?" I ask with a curious tone.

"Well, Ma'am, we do a kind of survey or you can say it's a kind of activity here. So this paper will be given to everyone here today, and you all just have to write things that make you happy. And after writing the things, write your name on it and pour it into that glass bowl over that desk." He explains while pointing his finger on the counter.

"Things that make me happy?" I ask while looking at the paper and then take a look around the café, and everyone has it.

"Yes ma'am. Enjoy!" He leaves.

"Umm...things that make me happy? Hmm..." I whisper while sipping coffee.
I lift the pen he left and start writing.
I am about to write but don't know what should I mention. I have honestly never thought about the things that make me happy.
But then I realise...
"I think I'm being a little high maintenance, but the thing that will make me happy is Freedom. Freedom to go to bed whenever I want to. Freedom to go on holidays whenever and wherever I want to. Freedom to wake up in the middle of the night and open the fridge and eat whatever I want to. Freedom to have a quite mornings in an apartment that I can call mine. Freedom to open the window and stare at the moon in the night. Freedom to have a silent coffee time in my balcony with the sunset and books...."
I write unstoppably. I have many more things, but I cease myself.
Lastly-"Maya Singh"

I finish my coffee and walk towards the counter.
I see the bowl half filled with piece of papers. I pour my piece too. And tell the manager-"it's the best café I've ever visited. And the kind of activities you are organising is amazing." I compliment.

"Yeah! We started it from today on only." He replied with a confusing smile.

I leave the café, and I don't know why, but I'm feeling really happy....the kind of wierd happiness.

I go back to my hostel room.
"Hii, you're back!" Riya says.
"Yeah! I'm."
"So, did you hear the rumour?" She continues.
"Rumour? What rumour?" I ask.
"That the owner of the college is...." She whispers in a really suspicious voice.
" the gangster." I continue.
"Oh my god! You knew it?" She didn't expect that I knew it.
"Well, I heard of it." Reply I.

" Maya, no. He's not some random lunatic gangster like we those who call themselves mafia boss just by having a cheap stolen gun and 4 boys behind. He's the most famous and dangerous Mafia of all time, like he's 'The deadliest Mafia' you will ever meet." She narrates him like a story.

"No! I do not want to meet him. And c'mon it's just a rumour, it can be false too and like whatever he's doing doesn't match his he's doing really selfless and charity work. If he didn't organise the entrance exam for helpless students then neither you and nor I'll be able to become a doctor from such a big college. And I don't even know his name.... nobody knows his name." I explain her while rearranging my books.

" just don't know his name. Everyone knows, I mean maybe it's a rumour too, but his name itself is so creepy which is enough for people's judgements of him as a gangster." She completes the topic by saying this suspenseful line.

"You know his name..." I sound curious so I control myself and slow down my voice.
"You know his name...I mean.." I ask steadily.
She comes close to me and whispers with a hand on her face like she's telling a secret in my ear.
"Lucifer." I whisper back.
"Isn't that so much creepy and sexy too." She says playfully.
"Lucifer! The King of Hell." I say in a low and surprising tone.
"Yes...the king of hell....Satan!!!" She bursts into witchy laughter.

"Ugh!!! Whatever... whatever his name is, but he helped me alot and I'd not miss the chance to tell him that I'm grateful to him and he saved me like an angel...and by the way don't you know that Lucifer was once an angel too." I favours him unknowingly.

I leave the conversation and sit to study. She also doesn't say anything as her notification came and she starts chatting.

I open the book and try to read, but all I can think about is....
"Lucifer!" I whisper.

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