Chapter 7 : Maya (No! I want TS.)

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I can't control my smile while packing my stuff. I have been struggling with living in this small room. The size of this room was never a problem, but the condition was.
I take a look at the room's walls and ceiling.

"Oh Maya, I'll miss you." Riya says.

"Me too... specially your messed up bed." We both laugh.

"The cab is on the gate." The warden calls.

I meet the cleaner again while leaving.
"Bye aunty! Bye beautiful!" I greet her and her daughter.

Her daughter runs towards me and hugs me.
"I'll miss you." She cries.
"I'll miss you too!" I reply back and tell her to listen to her mother and study hard, so that she can also change her and her mother's life, like I did mine.

I load the luggage in the cab and then open my phone to check the address.

"It's 'The Saffron' building." The name seems familiar.

I sit inside the cab and here I go, to my new house. I can't wait anymore.
I again check my phone if Neha replied to my messages but she didn't even see my key box picture I sent to her yesterday.
Now I won't text her anymore. I have to know what happened to her.
I call her... straight 5 times but she doesn't pick my call.

"The Saffron Complex" driver says.
I put my phone back in the bag and take a look at the building while getting out.

"Fuck! It's the same building I was looking at and thinking about purchasing a new home when I was going to hostel." I can't help being surprised and amused.

I take my luggage inside the building.

"Hii, I'm Maya Singh. I just bought...I mean, got an apartment in this building." I tell to the receptionist.

"Hello ma'am. Can you show me the key and papers?" She asks.

"Oh yeah! Here they are." I show her both of them.

"It's apartment 111. The 5th floor." She tells while checking her computer.

"Thank you. And here, it's for you." I say while giving her candies.
"I got this apartment through scholarship... that's why I'm celebrating it. And I'm gonna live here from now on, so we should be friends!" I say with a friendly smile and she takes it in the same way.

I decide to take the elevator. I wait as the elevator is still closed.

*The elevator's door open*

As I'm about to step in, I notice a man inside, tall with a black full arm length t shirt, suddenly turns back.
I look at him suspiciously.
He escapes while I'm loading my luggage inside the elevator.

I click 6th floor.
I look in the mirror of elevator if I'm looking weird or what!! But everything is fine with me.
"What a wierdo!!"

I reach the floor and walk towards my room...
", I just realised, it's angel number!" Here I'm being spiritual af.

Here it's.
I stand at the door and stare at it for a minute.

"I've waited for this my whole life!" I say and open the door.

I can't believe my eyes, the apartment is as big as I watch in movies and read in books. The living room itself can cover my whole house.
As I walk inside....the furniture is already set.

"Who's furniture is this?" I doubt while keeping my luggage beside the desk.
The sofa...the bed...the cupboard...the mirrors.. I notice everything arranged like I have been living here for a long time.

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