Chapter 10

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I couldn't freaking sleep

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I couldn't freaking sleep.

It's been one day, and my eyes didn't even rest for five whole minutes. She wasn't answering my calls, she wasn't answering me even when she was in front of my face. I hated arguing with her, but I knew what it always felt like. I always made her forgive me in less than an hour. However, this was new. This absolutely sucked. It's hard to make her forgive me when I didn't know what I even did for it to be forgiven.

You won't miss me, don't worry. Liar. She said she'd be back in ten minutes. It's been one day and I already miss her. She never told me she was going to hang out with Jett. I would have drove her there myself.

I felt like I was going insane. I made my parents call her, but she didn't pick up. I told her parents that she was with me and I suddenly lost her. Was she crazy? Didn't she know how worried sick we all would have been if she just freaking disappeared?

She was with me, and then she wasn't. I was losing my mind until she finally picked up when her mum called her. Not even her, it was Jett, but it was something. I thought I lost her, that it was my fault, her dad didn't even glance at me the entire time I tried to talk to him, proving that I was in the wrong.

Did I do something wrong? My own words snapped in my mind. She snapped at me out of nowhere. I thought maybe something had happened earlier, and she was taking it out on me. I would have gladly taken that, but it didn't seem like it. She wasn't answering me. I did something, and it was killing me not knowing it. I thought about heading to Uncle Adam's, but I didn't know what I'll say. I didn't have anything to say, or I had a lot to say. I don't even know.

Why do you always call me Emmaline? I've never heard her voice crack like that. Why Emmaline? When I thought about it, I didn't really have an answer. Why do I call her that? I don't know, I just do. Since I was a kid, it was always Emmaline. I didn't know why I decided to be the only one who uses her full name, but I knew I liked it. I liked how she told me I'm the only one in her life who does that. I liked it a lot. It felt special.

A knock on the door grabbed my attention, seeing James's head pop in, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing," I said from my bed. It was probably 5 pm now. I wasn't sleeping, I ate breakfast and locked myself up here, I didn't even notice James was at the house, "what are you doing here?"

"Just checking up on you," he shrugged, "Kenji said you didn't come out in a while."

"Because I was sleeping," I lied, "now, can you go so I can go back to doing that?"

"You weren't sleeping," James closed the door behind him, "look, I know you're thinking about what Emma did, but she's fine. And it's not your fault she decided not to tell anyone she's not coming home."

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