Chapter 6

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"I think you should go," James shrugged, chewing on his chips from across the bed

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"I think you should go," James shrugged, chewing on his chips from across the bed.

"I think so too," Jett agreed spinning on my desk chair, "that bitch is sneaky."

"Jett!" James's eyes widened as he warned.

"Don't," Jett pointed at him, "don't act like an adult now. You're literally sitting with two teenage girls, in one's bedroom, gossiping about the boy she likes."

It has been 5 days since I went on the run with Mum and Kenji. That's 5 days of considering wether I should go to the lake party or not, and when I didn't reach a decision on my own, I did what any logical girl would do. I called my best friends, well, not my actual best friend since this conversation was about him and would be better if he never found out I needed a council to discuss hanging out with him. So that left me with James, my uncle, which is not actually as pathetic as it seems because this guy was a man-child, and Jett, my cousin, which is also not pathetic because she gave some pretty good advices and brought me back to reality when I got too delusional.

"You guys never take me seriously," he huffed.

"Oh, whose fault is that?" I smiled softly, and he frowned, throwing a chip on me, "hey! You're going to ruin my bed that way."

"Okay, Jett is mean to everyone, so I get it, but you are literally so sweet and kind to everyone until it comes to me," he snapped, "you've been at it since you were 5!"

"You just have a special place in my heart," I put my hand on my chest with a smile before turning serious again, "but seriously, do you really think I should go?"

"Yes," they said in union before Jett went on, "look, as someone who would literally support women's wrongs before their rights, I don't like that girl. And that coming from me should be proof enough for you."

"You don't like that girl because I don't like that girl, Jett," I sighed, "plus, this lake party is just for seniors, what will I be doing there? I wasn't even invited."

"You were," James replied, "Kai invited you."

"Yeah, but—"

"Since it's held by them, they are the ones who decide who to bring, right?" James interrupted.

"I guess."

"And last time I checked Kai was a senior who invited you."

"See?" Jett pointed at James, "problem solved. Although, I don't really think there was a problem to begin with."

"But won't it be awkward for me just to go there with nobody expecting me?" I asked, leaning my back against the headboard, "I mean, it's not just a party, they'll be spending the night there too. Kai said they wanted to head to a small motel near the lake and come back the next morning."

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