Chapter 27

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𝔼𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕚𝕝𝕒 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕣

I lost track of what time I woke up, I don't even know if it has been too much or just a few minutes

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I lost track of what time I woke up, I don't even know if it has been too much or just a few minutes. I couldn't get myself out of bed though, just lied down there on the bed, watching Kai as he breathed evenly in his sleep. I let my fingers brush some of his hair away from his forehead, seeing clearly how peaceful he looked. No worry, anger, sadness, happiness, nothing. Just calmness.

This is the first time I've woken up to him like this, to both of us like this; just sleeping, our legs tangled underneath the covers as on of his hands rested on my back while the other fell between us. I tried to get up, to maybe wake him up at least, but I couldn't. All I could do was think about last night. About him as I stared at his sleeping face.

I think about you all the freaking time, his voice rang in my head, my whole world revolves around you. I felt my heart thud faster, my breath becoming heavier at the images flashing in my head from yesterday. Before I dated him, I thought that I used to think about him a lot, fantasize about what it would be like dating him. I thought all of this would be tamed down once I had him, but I was so wrong. If anything, those thoughts amplified now that I know what it's like being with him, what it's like to have him in my arms. Kai started to feel like a drug I never wanted to be cured of its addiction.

Instead, I wanted more. He was already mine. How can you keep wanting what's already yours? How can someone make someone else feel these type of emotions? I don't know what he was doing to me, but it's definitely working. I've never felt this possessive over anything. I knew myself, knew what I was like. I was not a possessive person by any means, I wasn't the type to get jealous when someone has the same thing I do, but Kai? He messed with my head real good.

He was different. Kai was the only thing I wanted all to myself. The only person I would want to be locked in with forever, with the key thrown away. I looked down to his hand between us, my finger brushing against his knuckles until it reached his ring, checking mine too before looking back at his. I actually couldn't imagine my life without him. Couldn't even think about it.

I sighed and was about to close my eyes when I noticed Kai's breathing wasn't heavy or even anymore, glancing up to see clear brown eyes staring right through me, "how long have you been awake?"

"A few."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"You looked pretty deep in thought, didn't want to interrupt," his raspy voice sent a flare up my spine as his hand pulled me in, a sleepy smile appearing on his face at my breath catching, "what were you thinking about?"

"Hmm, about what kind of breakfast we're having today, I'm actually famished," I lied, watching his frown form by being caught off guard as I chuckled.

"That's the only thing you're thinking about?" He blinked at me, motioning to the almost nonexistent space between us, "seriously?"

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