Chapter 8

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"I'm confused," Jett said, biting on her sandwich, "you're hurting my brain

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"I'm confused," Jett said, biting on her sandwich, "you're hurting my brain."

"Ugh," I threw my head back with a groan and turned on the bench, so I was facing her fully, "focus with me for one second."

"I am focused," she shrugged before chewing another bite, "all you did was giggle and stutter the entire time. Take a breath and tell me what happened. In small words. I can't handle this after a long school day."

The bell rang about 5 minutes ago, and Jett and I sat on a bench waiting for her dad to pick us up. Kai didn't come out of his class yet, though, so I decided to take the chance to fill Jett in on what happened in the lake and after. Yesterday, after I took the medicine, I really don't remember what happened, but I do remember waking up at night with a bag full of medicine next to me. Each box had a sticky note with when to take them and what to take them for. All written in Kai's handwriting.

"Okay," I breathed, "so when I arrived to the lake party, he was just being his normal Kai Kishimoto self, right? But then I saw something that I thought I was hallucinating."

"What?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity. Jett could hate the idea of love and dating, but she loved talking about other people's love life.

"Kai has a tattoo."

"Kai?" She raised an eyebrow, "Kai, Kai? Like our Kai? The nerd who loves solving puzzles and being a loner in his room?"

"Don't call him that!" I frowned, "and, yes. But that wasn't the problem, the problem was what the tattoo was."

"What was it?"

"Remember what I used to say when I was young? Written in the stars?"

"Uh huh," she nodded, taking the last bite of the sandwich, "when did you even come up with that? It was so out of the blue."

"The first time I said it was the day Kai got his powers."

"Oh," she said after a moment and nodded, "you mean the day he absolutely lied to me and officially broke my trust in men."


"Rumor has it, Mr. Bunix is now somewhere in this world, lost in the darkness, unable to cry or plead for help."

"...Because he's a teddy bear?" I lowered my eyebrows, watching her slowly shake her head, her eyes turning... angry?

"He lied. He said he would get it for me, and he didn't. Traitor, liar, fiend."

"Come on, he bought you a new one."

"It's not the same. It wasn't Mr. Bunix," she shrugged and crossed her arms, "and why are you defending him? I thought we were mad at him?"

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