Chapter 12

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I parked my bike in our driveway, cutting off the engine before taking off my helmet, hanging it on the handle

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I parked my bike in our driveway, cutting off the engine before taking off my helmet, hanging it on the handle. Zade called and said he'll bring it an hour ago, but I told him I'd come to him instead. I couldn't really sleep, couldn't stop my mind from clearing. All I could think about was Emmaline. I kissed Emmaline, four times. I'm dating Emmaline now. Her boyfriend. She's my girlfriend. This was freaking crazy.

I also needed to get out of the house because I would take any chance to not talk to my dad any time soon. Once I left Emmaline yesterday and got in my own house, Dad wouldn't get out of my hair. Question after question after question. Until I literally had to lock my door and pretend to be sleeping. So once Zade called me this morning, I was already heading to the front door.

I twisted the doorknob, opening the front door and—

"Magnoon, enta magnoon!" my head snapped to Mum's voice, very angry voice, arabic yelling voice, "enta bete'ref esh sawet?! You— how could you— lak keef tesawi hek bedon ma tekhberni?! Had mo tasarof ab tabe'i!"

I stood frozen in place, my mouth hanging open, seeing dad sitting on the kitchen counter, his hand on his mouth as he looked up at Mum with a terrified look in his eyes. Mum was still shouting at him, waving her hand in the air. I slowly walked inside, not wanting to make any noise. What the hell did he do? I looked to my right, seeing Jello, Uncle Warner, and Emmaline on the couch in the living room, watching them. Jello and Emmaline had similar reactions, both looking with widened eyes, a sympathetic expression on their faces towards Dad. Uncle Warner looked like he was having the time of his life.

"How angry is she?" I whisper yelled towards the three of them.

"She switched to Arabic 10 minutes ago," Jello replied, her eyes still on my parents.

"It's amazing," Uncle Warner said with a huge grin on his face that his dimples were visible and waved a hand, "move a little, you're blocking my eyesight."

"You," Mum's voice snapped my head to her again pointing a finger at me. Shit, "ta'ala. come here!"

"Me?" I asked quietly, putting t a hand on my chest.

"Warini," she said with a strict voice, I could see her jaw clinching so hard, "show me that damn tattoo right now."

"Tatt—" I widened my eyes, snapping my eyes to my Dad who was still frozen in place, "dad?!"

"It wasn't me!" He snapped with a high pitched voice, extending his arm, pointing a finger towards the couch, "your friend over there spilled!"

I looked back to them, my eyes going straight to Emmaline, who lifted her hands up, her mouth dripping with a shake of her head, looking at me apologetically, "I didn't know she didn't know!"

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