♡ Introduction ♡

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Hiya! Welcome to my Jujutsu Kaisen oneshot book! If you've read any of my other oneshot books you probably know all this already, but here are some details about what I will and will not write <3

• I take requests, and I'll write pretty much any genre other than hardcore smut

• I'll write both ship content and
Y/n content (no proships)

• I will NEVER write about Mei Mei or Mahitoes unless its a slander post (although Mahito is well written so I might do I headcannons post dedicated to him)

• No teacher x student

• My favourite characters are Nanami, Gojo, Megumi, Yuuji, Sukuna and Inumaki so you'll probably see a lot of stuff with them included in this book! <3

• My favourite ships are ItaFushi, NobaMaki and SatoSugu! (Also Nanami x myself lmao)

• I'll be writing oneshots, headcannons and alphabets in this book. Headcannons and alphabets are organised by character (see my other oneshot books for reference if you want, idrk how to explain the format 😭)

Hope you guys have fun reading, leave any requests here!

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