♡ Complete - SatoSugu x reader ♡

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You never expected yourself to end up here.

Sandwiched inbetween the two strongest sorcerors on earth, who also happened to be your two best friends. Gojo had his face buried into the crook of your neck, his soft, fluttery breaths leaving goosebumps on the sensitive skin beneath his touch. Geto on the other hand, was behind you, with his soft chest and broad shoulders serving as a pillow for you to rest against. With every passing second you could feel your breaths syncing more and more with theirs, until eventually, all three of you breathed as one.

You'd been friends for so long now, keeping eachother sane through the hell that was Jujutsu high. Even whilst being the honoured one, Gojo never failed to make time for you, and always showered you with equal parts praise and teasing. Geto watched on for years, quietly observing the two people he loved most growing closer, feeling the darkness inside him begin to ebb away little by little. After all, how could anyone feel that way when faced with such a warm light as two people in love?

Or maybe even three people in love.

You always saw the way Gojo and Geto would look at eachother. Yet, somehow, they both seemed to look at you with as much adoration and esteem as they held eachother in. Your bond to them was unique, to say the least; it almost felt as if the three of you merged together to form one person, unable to exist when seperated from the other.

So now, there you were. All three of you sprawled out across Geto's king sized bed, your snores gradually growing softer as the morning light seeped in through the curtains. Geto was the first to wake- Out of the three of you, he was definitely the largest, so him wriggling out from beneath you two definitely didn't go unnoticed by you. Your lashes fluttered against your cheek as you opened your eyes, a single sleepy tear rolling down your cheek as you yawned. Geto smiled. Without saying a word, he leant over and kissed part of the track that the tear had drawn on your face, before wiping the rest away gently with his thumb. A deep pink flush lit up your cheeks... You were so sleepy that your mind could barely register how hot you found him. All you could do was smile dumbly at Geto as he got out of bed, his hair dishevelled and his voice raspy.

"Can ya wake Satoru up for me, doll? He has a mission in a few hours."

Nodding meekly (and blushing slightly from your boyfriend's shameless use of pet names), you leant over and shook Gojo a little. A soft groan, almost like a whine, left his lips in response.

"Wha.. What time is it?..." He mumbled, his brilliant blue eyes shiny and glazed over with sleep. You found yourself lost in them for a moment; after all, those eyes were infinite. It was so, so easy to get lost in them.

"Check for him, princess. I don't have my phone on me." Geto's low but gentle voice sounded out from across the room, bringing you out of your trance. Shaking your head at yourself, you checked your watch.

"It's almost 7:30. Suguru, don't you have somewhere to be in like 20 minutes?" You raised an eyebrow at the dark-haired man, watching as his expression became one of confusion, before it contorted with realisation. Throwing his head back and revealing his toned neck and adams apple (which you honestly found really hot) he let out a frustrated groan. Racing to the main room of his apartment, he shoved a protein bar and his keys into his pocket before sticking his head back into the bedroom one last time.

"I'm glad you reminded me, I completely forgot about that meeting in Shibuya I'm supposed to be at." Geto's eyes were tired, but grateful nonetheless. You rolled your eyes affectionately in response and bent down beside the bed to grab something- you passed him his phone with a teasing smile. Relief washed over the curse user's face as he saw it was fully charged, and he leant in to kiss you on the cheek. Your skin warmed under the contact from his lips, and you laughed a little at the ticklish sensation.

"H-hey, stop or you're gonna be late again!"

Something warm appeared in Geto's eyes as he looked at you. Gratitude seemed to seep out of him as he sighed, squatting down to the level of the bed. Gojo hadn't moved from his sleeping position, and remained there even as Geto pushed back the messy locks of his white hair to plant a kiss on his forehead. Geto stood up and headed for the door, waving a final goodbye before stepping outside. However, just before he left, he threw one final comment over his shoulder.

"I don't know what we'd do without you, Y/n. Thank you for pulling us all together on days like this."

With a jingle of his keys and the click of a lock, Geto was gone. Thinking of his words, you looked back at the sleeping Gojo who remained on the bed.

Oh Suguru, I think we all know that it's you two who have been pulling ME together all this time.


I'm going through a lot atm (if you've seen my message boards then yk what im talking abt) but I'm glad I could write a chapter for you guys :)

939 words

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