♡ Headcannons - Yuuji and Sukuna ♡

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• Yuuji can't fall asleep without Lofi music and listens to it every night, eventually Sukuna got used to it and now he needs it to fall asleep aswell

• Whenever Sukuna's mouth pops up on Yuuji's skin, he shoves a finger into the pop-up mouth and triggers Sukuna's gag reflex 😭

• Sukuna knows all the words to "call me maybe" and "single ladies" because Yuuji listened to them so many times they became ingrained in BOTH their memories

• Sukuna drools and snores when he sleeps, so when he pops up on Yuuji's face at night it's annoying asf

• Yuuji isn't allowed things like sharp knives or hot stoves in his dorm, since Sukuna always goes out of his way to cause accidents with them 💀 Plus, whenever Yuuji tries to cook it ends up burning anyway, regardless of whether Sukuna interfers or not

• Sukuna doesn't hate Yuuji but still genuinely enjoys making him suffer... When he switched back with him in Shibuyu knowing he would breakdown he was literally vibing

A/N: I'm so not okay about the last few shibuyu episodes this entire arc has been traumatising... I have a love hate relationship with Sukuna bro 😭

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