♡ Headcannons - Satoru Gojo ♡

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• He uses the plastic baby chopsticks because he struggles to hold the normal wooden ones

• After he saw how long Megumi's eyelashes were he got competitive and started stealing his lash serum

• Even though he acts like a manwhore, he's a complete virgin and has never even had a crush on anyone other than one person (u can probably guess who 😭🙈)

• He thinks its funny when people see him with his hair messy because it puffs up like a mushroom and makes his head look really round

• He knows the entire bee movie script off by heart and recites it to himself sometimes for fun

• Subconsciously acts really fatherly around Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara but whenever someone brings up the fact that he would make a good dad he gets the heebie-jeebies and freaks out about it

• He's super slim and he never really had much muscle mass until he started going to the gym a bunch, he's already insanely powerful so he works out to look and feel good rather than build strength

• He is very lactose intolerant. He may be the strongest but his stomach is WEAK.

• Ironically his favourite food is vanilla ice cream

• Whenever he makes himself ice cream he puts those rainbow sprinkles on it like a little kid

• Another thing about his weak stomach, he CANNOT handle spicy food

• Starts hyperventilating when he gets within 10 feet of an Indian restaurant

• He hardly ever gets sick (other than when he eats stuff he shouldnt) but he fakes sick to get out of work all the time

• He faked the flu for a whole week once just so that he could pester Utahime to take care of him (she wanted to let him suffer but he complained so much that she gave in)

• Man child

• "I was so young when I behaved 25, and now I find I've grown into a tall child"

• He's mitski coded but he doesn't act like it

• He's alive hes alive hes alive hes alive hes alive hes alive hes alive hess alive hesliave hes avlihe hes alive hea alive shea aliev aheklaive sk

• Hes probably not alive but oh well

364 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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