♡ Headcannons - Yuuji Itadori ♡

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Genre: Headcannons

Character: Itadori Yuuji

• He's very competitive at Just Dance, aswell as most other Nintendo/DS games

• Him and Gojo have an intense rivalry regarding Mario Kart

• He drinks monster energy on a daily basis, not because he needs the energy but because he likes the taste

• Uses hair gel

• His hair naturally forms curls, and it looks quite soft and cloud-like unless he styles it

• Yuuji loves potatoes. He doesn't care whether they're sliced, mashed, baked or diced, if its a potato he will munch that shit up

• He can't cook anything other than instant noodles, partially because Sukuna always messes with him whilst he's cooking and things end up on fire

• Megumi has to make sure he doesn't starve and Yuuji has dinner in Megumi's dorm a lot

• Yuuji considers Nobara his platonic soulmate / nonbiological sibling

• He sees Gojo as both a father and older brother figure simultaneously

• Nanami is like his cool uncle who he looks up to a lot

• This guy blasts trashy pop music shamelessly, Megumi and Nobara cover their ears whilst Gojo just jams out

• Knows every single word to "call me maybe"

• He owns a tiger onesie

• Sometimes Sukuna pops out of his cheek and licks him in the eyeball, Yuuji gets SO MAD and literally starts screaming and yelling

• Gojo sometimes pats his head like a dog, Yuuji just sits and accepts it

• No matter how simple it is, he always looses the plot halfway through a movie. He has to pause it so the others can explain whats happening to him

• Doesn't understand the concept of algebra

• "Why did they have to put letters in math? Did they not make enough numbers already?"

• Dumb but self aware

• He tiptoes along the curb at the edges of roads and then ends up twisting his ankles when he trips

• Laughs at every single one of Gojo's jokes without fail, even when they aren't funny at all. It drives everyone else insane because it just eggs Gojo on 💀

• Sleeps with a teddy bear (it hasn't been washed in 1000000000 years)

• Enjoys lofi music and can't fall asleep unless its playing in his headphones (Sukuna secretly likes it too)

• He once asked someone if they were gay as a joke and they said "yes." (you can probs guess who it was)

• Showers once a week and drowns himself in Lynx body spray to stop himself from smelling bad

• Megumi and Nobara complain about his hygiene and health, especially his eating habits

• He can literally eat 7 portions of good food in one go and then survive the next two weeks off of one instant ramen pack a day

• He eats snow even if it looks dirty, when he was younger he used to get the nastiest muddiest snow and call it "chocolate snow cones"

• Also used to eat bugs and grass

• Had bad acne in middle school and got teased because his pink face matched his pink hair 😭

• He gives really good hugs, they make you feel safe and warm

Warning: The next few headcanons contain spoilers

• He has weird metabolism due to Kenjaku's genes, which is partly why he's so abnormally strong and athletic

• After Nobara's death he felt like he'd lost part of his soul, whereas with Nanami it felt as if he'd lost a close family member and teacher

• Because his grandpa died a natural death, he didn't understand the grief of having someone ripped away from you until he learnt it first hand

• His dad hit Kenjaku from the back (canon cuz im Gege)

A/N: I might add to this headcannons list later on if I think of any more, feel free to comment ones you think I should add! <3

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