Part 1

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"Who is he?" I ask Martian Manhunter as I stare at the unconscious teenage boy. 

"I have no idea. I can't enter his mind. His shields are too strong."

"Too strong? Can that even happen?"

"It can. It's very, very rare for someone to have mental shields strong enough to resist me, though," he tells me.

"You think he's a meta?"

"Yes, but I don't think his powers are of the mind."

"Well then what do you suggest we do with him?" I ask.

"He could join the team," Green Arrow interrupts. Everyone stares at him. 

"We don't even know if he can fight,"  Superman says. 

"Well, we can train him to. That's what we do, right?" Green Arrow asks. He makes a good point, I guess.

"Yes. We should put an inhibitor collar on him until we find out what his powers are, and if he's a threat. He will join the team," I declare.










They're all dead. All of them. They died because they decided they could trust someone they couldn't. 

"He's waking up," an unfamiliar voice says. My eyes flutter open, only to squeeze shut again because of the bright light. 

"Where am I?" I demand, my voice croaky.

"You're safe," someone assures me. The Tartarus I am!

"Where am I?" I repeat, trying to move my arms. only to find something restraining them.  I open my eyes and look to my hands. They're tied to a... hospital bed?  This isn't camp. 

"Calm down."

"I'll kill you."

"You're okay, don't worry."

"Are you deaf?" 

"John, enough. I think he's calm," another person interrupts. Calm? More like I don't care anymore.

"My name is Batman," this dude dressed like a bat says. 

"Is it Halloween already?" I ask, looking at all of them.

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