Part 7

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"Come on, Batman wants us," Robin tells me from the doorway of the kitchen. I follow him and see the rest of the team already there. 

"Finally," Wally scoffs.  Then, the computer announces the arrival of Batman, Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, Black Canary, Constantine, for some reason, and a guest. 

The guest is wearing a purple cloak with a hood that covers their face, and they're trailing behind the rest of the league. 

"Who's the new guy?" Wally asks, tipping his chin towards the mystery person.

"Team, this is Raven. She'll be joining your team," Batman tells us. 

"Why is Constantine here?" Robin asks.

"I'm here to make sure Raven is the right fit for you lot," Constantine says. 

"Constantine, I don't think I can do this," Raven murmurs quietly to him. Constantine sighs and pulls her to the opposite side of the room to talk to her quietly.


"What's the problem, love?" Constantine asks Raven.

"If I had a week I couldn't tell you all the things wrong," Raven hisses.

"Well, what's wrong now?"

"For starters Conner is listening to us," Raven says.


"Kon El. Superboy." 

How does she know my name? 

"Well, just cast a silencing spell, love. Easy fix."

"The last thing I need right now is to be with a bunch of... hormonal teenagers!"

"Isn't that your whole team? Like, the Tweens or whatever?"

"Yes, but-hold on." Suddenly a purple shield surrounds them and I can't hear or see through it.

"What are they doing?" Artemis asks curiously.

"Talking. Raven is an extremely... powerful person, who sought out Constantine and the Flash for reasons that are classified," Batman says.

"What do you mean by classified?" I snap.

"That's code for he doesn't know," Nico snorts. 

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