Part 6

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"Eat," I hear Will growl. Curious, I walk to the kitchen to see Will and Nico. Nico is sitting at the counter, and Will is standing next to him, offering a fork to him. Nico is staring at the plate of... fettuccine alfredo, looking ill.

"I can't, Solace," Nico says.

"Yes, you can. And you'll do it willingly, or I'll feed you like a child. You remember that, don't you?"

"Gods, I hate you," Nico mutters, taking the fork from him. He tries to hide the pink in his cheeks. 

Will fed Nico like a child? I would pay to see that. 

"Don't worry, Death Breath, I know you don't mean it," Will says. Nico glares and starts slowly eating. 

"Will, be honest. Did they send you here-" Nico freezes halfway through his sentence, and then pushes past Will to the sink, and vomits. I feel Wally approaching the kitchen, and I stick my hand out to stop him. When Nico stops, he squeezes his eyes shut and slowly sinks down to the floor.

"Will, I can't do this," Nico admits quietly.

"I know, Neeks," Will whispers, sitting besides Nico.

"What's even the point?" Nico asks.

"Point of what?"



"I mean, we fight so hard. For so ***king long, we fight for our lives. We win because our lives depend on it. And then one day we just... lose." Nico's voice cracks, and me and Wally exchange a look.

"Nico, it's not your fault," Will tells him softly.

"It was my job, Will. It was my job to protect them, to protect Hazel-"

"No, it wasn't, Neeks. It wasn't your fault, and it wasn't your job. Nico, no one knew that Damon was a spy."

"But I should've! I trained with Father, and after Minos, I was supposed to be able to detect the traitor. The spy. But I failed. I failed, just like I always do," Nico says. 

"Nico, show me your arms," Will demands suddenly. My blood goes cold. He wouldn't have...? But by the way Nico stiffens, it confirms our suspicion. 

"You've already seen them," Nico mumbles.

"I only saw the few on the wrist from when I had to put the IV in. I was hoping that was it. But, it's not. Is it?" 


"You're going to therapy. I hope you know that."

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