Part 2

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"Who's that?" I ask Batman, eyeing the boy suspiciously. He's skinny and has dark brown hair and eyes, edging on black. He's wearing a dark shirt and a brown aviator jacket, and black pants.  He looks sick. 

"Everyone this is..." Batman drones off, and looks at the boy to say his name. The boy looks at Batman like he's crazy.

"I'm not telling you my name. You kidnapped me."

"You did what?" Wonder Woman asks, appearing in the room.

"Lady Diana?" the teenager asks, bowing his head. Lady Diana?

"Nico? What are you doing here?" she asks. 

"Diana, you know him?" Batman asks suspiciously.

"Yes. We've met."

"How?" Batman asks.

"Nico, what are you doing here? Everyone has been looking for you. Will is out of his mind with worry."

"I'm not going back to camp."

"Nico, I know it's hard-"

"All due respect, Lady Diana, but shut up."

"So you're going to go home now?" 

"No. I might as well stay here until I get this stupid collar off. I mean, it's not like I can go anywhere."

"I could get them to take of the collar, if you would just return-"

"Yeah, I'll pass. I'm done."

"They won't just let you leave, Nico. You know that as well as I do."

"I don't care. They can fight their own battles, or elect someone new."

"Nico, that's not how it works."

"I don't care how it works. If they don't want to fight themselves, they can die for all I care. Leave, Lady Diana."

"Very well. I will not bother you on this matter again. But if you need me, I'm only a call away," Wonder Woman says. Nico mutters something under his breath.

"Goodbye, Lady Diana." 

"Goodbye, Nico di Angelo. And I'm very sorry for your loss," Diana tells him. Loss?

"Why? Reyna was your  hunter . I should be giving my apologies to you."

"You knew her for longer. And she was my..." Diana looks at us and hesitates. "Sister's hunter, not mine."

"Yes. Well, that makes two. You know what I'm talking about."

"Yes. Sorry again, Nico. If you need me, you know what to do, and I'll be there."

"Goodbye, Lady Diana," Nico di Angelo says, dismissing Wonder Woman. A second later, she boom tubes away. 

"How do you know Wonder Woman?" Batman asks suspiciously.

"I know lots of people."

"So your name is Nico di Angelo?"

"You won't find anything on me."

"Is that so?"


"Well, I suppose we should introduce you to the team. Everyone, this is Nico di Angelo. Nico, this is Kid Flash, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Robin, Artemis and Superboy," Batman says, motioning to each of us as our names are called.

"I don't care," the emo replies, shrugging.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Wally asks.

"Why is your name just your mentors name but Kid added before it? It's stupid."

"Yeah, well-" 

"Why is he wearing an inhibitor collar?" Artemis interrupts before Wally can say something he'll regret.

"So I can't escape," Nico mutters.

"So he can't attack us using his powers. The only time he'll have it turned off is during missions or when Red Tornado or Aqualad turn it off," Batman corrects.

"Great. So a bunch of strangers are in charge of my safety. Who doesn't want that?" 

"Hey, we're heroes!" Wally cries.

"According to who, exactly. Yourself?"

"Like you can do better."

"You're right. I'm not a hero." Nico turns to Batman. "You heard him. I'm not a hero. Let me go now."

"Get to know your  new teammate," is all Batman says before moving towards the exit.

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