Part 5

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Five months, Nico's been missing. And how do I find him? %99 dead!

"Can we see him?" one of the people ask. She has blonde hair and has a bow. Please tell me this isn't another demigod. If she was a demigod, she would probably be one of my siblings.

"Three or less at a time," I say to the people who clearly didn't notice that their 'teammate' hasn't eaten in weeks, and probably hasn't slept either. Not only that, but they have a collar on him. "After you take off the collar," I add.

"You can break it. It won't shock you," Diana says, then nods. "Tell Nico I said goodbye."

"I will," I promise. 

"Wait, what did she mean you could break it?" the redhead asks me as I lead three of them to where I left Nico.

"Repeat the question, but slower." 

"Well, I know what she meant, but why would you be able to break it?"

"Because it's breakable."

"You're not helpful," he groans.

"Neither are you," I reply.

"So, how do you know Nico? And Wonder Woman?" the blonde girl with the bow asks.


"Camp?" she asks, confused.


"What camp?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's a secret."

"Why is it a secret."

"That's a secret."

"Do you know the secret?"

"Of course I know the secret." 

"Does Nico know the secret?" 

"Yes." Unless he has amnesia. Shit, does he have amnesia? Would that be good, or bad?

"How is he?"

"Stable. He'll probably be okay after a few days of sleep. Do you have a medical place?" 

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