Part 3

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The new boy, Nico, has been reclusive ever since he's gotten here. He's only been on one mission, and didn't help at all. 

"Nico, my dude, what's up! You wanna play Wii with me?" Wally asks, holding up a controller. I look up and see Nico standing in the doorway, watching us all carefully. He looks at Wally, and ignores him, opting to get a cup and turn on the sink, making the water as cold as it will go.

"What are you doing, Nico?" M'gann asks in a cheerful tone. He fills his cup, turns off the water, then dumps the water on his head. 

"What the hell, man? Why'd you just dump water on yourself?" Wally asks.

"None of your business," he replies, grabbing a towel and wiping his face. 

"Man, what's with all the attitude?" Wally snaps. I can tell a fight is about to start, so I choose to quickly cut in.

"Everyone be in the training room in five minutes. Nico, that means you as well," I tell him.

"What are you going to do if I don't? Kick me off the team?" Nico scoffs.

"I'm asking you as the leader of this team, please come to training. I will not force you to participate, but I do want you to watch and learn," I tell him. He seems surprised by my words, like he didn't think he'd be given a choice, or asked nicely. 

"Fine," he mutters.

Five minutes later, we're all in the training room. Nico is standing off to the side, watching me and Conner spar from the shadows. Suddenly, Conner throws me to the ground.

"Failed: Aqualad," the robotic voice says.

"Black Canary taught me that," Conner tells me. Just then, Red Tornado comes from the hatch on the ceiling. Conner pulls me up as Wally runs in front of Red Tornado.

"Do you have a mission for us?" Wally asks.

"Mission assignments are The Batman's responsibility," Red Tornado replies.

"Yeah, well the Batman is with the Robin doing the dynamic duo thing in Gotham. But you're heading somewhere, right? Hot date or a-a mission?" Wally asks.

"If we can be of help," I interrupt. Red Tornado turns around and the hologram pops up, showing an image of an old man with a cane.

"This is Kent Nelson, a friend," Red Tornado tells us. "He is 106 years old."

"Guy doesn't look a day over 90," Wally whispers.

"And he has been missing for 23 days," Red Tornado continues. "Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society. The precursor to your mentors' Justice League."

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