Part 4

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Where... where am I?  Where's Hazel? Where is my sister? I open my eyes to see a desert at night. Did I shadow travel in my sleep again? I have to admit, the desert is a new one. I stumble to my feet. Hazel is going to kill me if she finds out I'm missing. 

When I run into the rocky wall thing to shadow travel, nothing happens. Actually, something does happen. I run into the wall, and possibly break my nose. 

"Ow! For Hades sake!" I growl, touching my nose and seeing blood. Why can't I shadow travel? Then I feel something on my neck. I feel it. It's metal. Am I wearing a collar? What the Hades?  I need to find the others. I have to make sure they don't have any of my friends. I need to make sure they don't have Hazel.  I start jogging around, looking for clues. For anything. Monsters, gods, even mortals for Hera's sake!

Well, you know what they say. Careful what you wish for. I hear a car coming and immediately drop to the ground to stay out of sight. I look at the car and see uniformed men. Bialyan Republic uniforms, to be exact.

Where the **** am I? All I know, is that I really got to find the others.


The Baby Flash bends over and pants. I look at him with concern.

"Sorry. Running on empty," he says, wiping his brow. "Don't think I've eaten in a while." He opens a compartment in his wrist. "Been out here over 24 hours, or my cupboards wouldn't be bare." 

I open my mouth to say something, but then some raging shirtless teenager drops in between us. Dust gets thrown into the air, and the shirtless teenager yells at Kid Flash. Then he hits Kid Flash, sending him into the ravine. Then he looks at me. 

Um... I'm gonna pass getting hit. I quickly handspring away and then draw an arrow and aim it at the crazy kid's chest. When I fire, it doesn't do anything, and he moves towards me. I have to roll to avoid letting the psycho kid grab me. 

Then, he looks up at the sky and yells to nothing. 

*Story continues like the show, and Wally and Artemis run off.*


A green girl lowers in front of us. Martian Manhunter? 

"Well, J'onn, the costume looks familiar, but I'm not sure the new bod screams 'Manhunter'," I  say.

"You know my Uncle J'onn?" the Martian asks excitedly. "Hello, Megan, of course you do! You're Kid Flash. Wally! And you're Artemis." 

Did I hear her right?

"Wait, wait, wait. Martian Manhunter is your uncle?" I ask. So it's not J'onn. "Is that how you know my name?"

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