8. miso wokeup

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Jungkook and taehyung reached her house, taehyung got down of the bike and then both taehyung and jungkook went towards the front door and taehyung rang the bell after some time mr.kim opened the door and invited jungkook inside but jungkook declined the offer saying that he will come some other time now he has some work and gave taehyung's shopping bag to mr.kim and left after saying bye to them.


At an Room an body was laying in an bed and many machine were attached to the body and an oxygen mask was of the body's face supporting the body to breathe. And an women in late 50s was sitting there beside the bed in stool.

When the body laying on the bed opened their eyes slowly only to close it again because of the light that was very much painful for their eyes and after some time again the body opened the eyes and noticed that it was an unknown room, panicking the body moved upwards to sit and that's when the body noticed the wires and machines which was attached to their body.

From all the movements of the person on bed the elder lady who was sleeping while putting her hand on bed woke up and saw the person on the bed was woken up she immediately got up from the bed and hugged the person on bed and said while crying "M-miso u woke up.....u don't know how worried me and ur papa were.....we are sorry my daughter please forgive us we failed u....we failed as parents....we couldn't protect you......we were not with you when you need us..... please forgive us if possible please......"

"N-no mom i-it's no-t u guys fault that this happ-ened to me...... beli-eve me u guys are the best pa-rents one could ask for.....u guys don't fail as parents.... Please don't say so-rry " miso also said while crying

"Oh...i forgot wait let me call ur papa and doctor cha " mrs.choi said and called hansoo and eunwoo.

After some minutes hansoo came running and opened the door with an loud thud and directly went towards miso and hugged her carefully not to hurt her injures.

" My daughter are u feeling any type of pain anywhere.. tell papa baby... Do u want something....are u hungry.... want to drink some water....do-" " I am completely fine papa I don't feel much pain just little bit of pain in my stomach and no I'm not hungry and yes I am thirsty please give me water " miso said cutting hansoo's continuous questions, hansoo nodded his head and made her drink the water after drinking water miso took the breath in relief.

"Mr.choi can I check ms.choi now" eunwoo asked politely not wanting to disturb the beautiful family reunion but he has to check miso's report and examine her body to know if there are some more problems there in her body.

"Y-yes... doctor cha please come and check my daughter" mr.choi said ( from know on i will call hansoo mr.choi as I call his wife mrs.choi so no one will have any type of problem while reading..... okay)

Then eunwoo came towards miso and hold her hand to check her pulse and then did some basic check ups.

"Pulse blood pressure are normal but her injures are not healed fully it will take maximum 1 month time to heal fully....and for her internal injury I need to do an full body CT scan " eunwoo said.

"Ok doctor when will u do the scan" mrs.choi asked.

"After jungkook will come we will start the scan...but mr.choi did u guys informed jungkook that ms.miso is woken up" eunwoo asked

"No... doctor cha we have not informed him " mr.choi said

"It's ok I will inform him u guys can talk and please don't let her get up and also don't say anything that will give her tension as she has now only gotten up from the coma so her body and brain will be weak and also give her lot's of vegetables and fruits to eat it will give her body some strength ok..." Eunwoo said

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