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Shockingly, Eddie makes it through the gate without drowning. But what he finds on the other side isn't much better.

Batlike creatures have Steve on the ground, strangling him-and now Eddie knows what held him under the water that last time, it was these creepy little fuckers-and biting chunks out of him.

Nancy's holding a pair of oars and tosses one to Eddie-not bothering to watch as he fumbles it with a yelp-before knocking one of the bats away. She and Robin focus on the remaining bats on Steve while Eddie keeps the others away.

When the only bat remaining is the one Steve is fighting, Eddie just watches. He doesn't mean to stare, really, but seeing Steve "The Hair" Harrington tearing a demonic creature apart with his bare hands? Eddie's pretty sure he's having a religious experience.

They hide at Skull Rock, which looks pretty much the same as in their world except for the dark vines crisscrossing everywhere.

Steve nearly passes out, falling into the side of the rock. Before Eddie can step in, Nancy takes charge, ripping up her shirt for makeshift bandages. It's probably for the best-Eddie's not sure he could be that close to Steve right now without saying something he'll regret.

Instead, Eddie decides to get a look around from higher ground. He starts to climb one of the other boulders, grabbing one of the dark vines to steady himself when his foot slips.

The vines rear up, throwing Eddie to the ground before attacking the group.


"Wait, watch out for the vines. It's all a hive mind."

Could have used that warning about five minutes sooner, thanks, Eddie thinks, but he's not sure now is the best time to explain the time loops. They have enough to deal with, what with being stuck in an alternate dimension and all.

Besides, Eddie keeps getting them a little further with each loop, so maybe that's the point. He just has to keep them all alive until they get to the end-killing Vecna.

"I have guns in my bedroom."

If Eddie's world hadn't already been turned on its head, he's pretty sure this would have done it. Nancy freaking Wheeler keeps guns in her bedroom?

Then Nancy and Steve are flirting and that, yeah that's about right. Eddie's world is jolted back into place. He turns away to hide an eye roll.

The ground shakes. Robin loses her footing and falls, hitting the ground with a cry. When the shaking stops, she's clutching her head.

"Robin!" Steve darts forward, crouching by Robin. "Are you okay?"

Robin groans, sitting up slowly. They freeze when they hear screeching in the distance.

"Guns seem like a pretty good idea to me," Eddie says, even if he's not eager to find out what stupid way he'll manage to get himself killed this time.


"Is this what a concussion feels like?" Robin asks as they walk through the woods. Steve is sticking close to Robin, Nancy is sticking close to Steve, and Eddie feels like a fourth wheel.

"Do you feel dizzy or nauseous?" Steve asks.

"No, but my head is killing me. You know, Steve, if you felt this bad after Starcourt you totally should have taken advantage and had, like, everybody waiting on you."

"Starcourt? You guys were there when it burned down?"

"Oh yeah, that's just the cover story," Steve says. "There was this secret Russian base underneath the mall-"

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