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Dustin rushes to explain, introduces Robin and Max and Steve Harrington, the Steve Harrington, like Eddie's day wasn't weird enough already. They swear on Dustin's mother, even Steve, a wild look in his eyes when he glances at Eddie.

Letting go of Steve, Eddie slumps against the wall and drops the bottle-or what remained of it, anyway.

"Jesus Christ, Henderson," Eddie says, and he's torn between hugging and throttling the kid. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you," Dustin says, like it's obvious.

"We need to know what happened," Robin adds in a gentler tone.

"You won't believe me," Eddie says with a self-deprecating snort. "I wouldn't believe me."

"Try us," Max says simply.

So Eddie starts with Chrissy, but leaves out the number of times he'd seen her die. The times he maybe died himself. Even Gareth had thought that was too far beyond the realm of believability and he'd known Eddie far longer than Dustin or the others with him. He feels nauseous, describing how Chrissy died, the bones and eyes, and covers it with a scoff. "You all think I'm crazy, right?"

"No, we don't think you're crazy."

"Don't bullshit me, man." Eddie levels Dustin with a look. "I know how this sounds."

Dustin launches into a speech about Hawkins, about it being cursed, another world beneath theirs. A world of things worse than ghosts. It leads to a revelation about spells and dark wizards. Finally, Eddie has a name for his problem-Vecna's curse.


It turns out it's not that simple. They have an idea of what they're dealing with, but no idea how to stop it. The others try to find answers, but all Eddie can do is sit and wait, stewing in his own thoughts.

If Chrissy was cursed, does that mean Eddie is, too? Is it the same curse, and Eddie will eventually die like she did? Or is this Vecna tailoring the torture to the victim?

Eddie shudders at the thought that maybe, in the real world, his body is staring blankly ahead while his mind lives in an illusion built to torment him. Maybe Wayne is begging him to wake up, just like he did with Chrissy.

It's a relief when the others show up with supplies, even if they don't have answers yet. The relief fades when they hear the sirens and Eddie remembers the body at the trailer park. The second body.


As if he's always meant to find Eddie after the second murder, Jason appears. With no one to protect, Eddie runs. Desperately trying to row as quickly and as silently as he can, Eddie gives up and switches to the engine when he sees Jason jump into the water. He wastes too much time.

Jason catches up to Eddie, climbs into the boat. "We just want to talk," Jason says as his friend clambers in after him. His hands are up like he means it, like he didn't beat Eddie to death the last time they saw each other.

Eddie is considering whether to just swim for it when Jason's friend spaces out, staring at nothing.

"Patrick? Hey, Patrick!"

It reminds Eddie of himself, of Chrissy, trying to snap her out of her imminent death. Until Jason whirls on him.

"You! What did you do to him?"

Eddie lifts the oar, prepared to defend himself. "Nothing, man, I didn't do anything! I didn't even touch him!"

Patrick soars into the air and it's just as sickening as it was with Chrissy, Jason is screaming and Eddie just wants to run, to get away.

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