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Dr. Rodriguez ushered Sonic and Chun-Li into his office, a warm smile on his face. The couple was eager to learn more about their twins – the genders and any other surprises the doctor might reveal.

*Dr. Rodriguez:* "Welcome back, Sonic and Chun-Li! Excited to see what's in store for your growing family, I presume?"

*Sonic:* "Absolutely, Doc! We can't wait to know more about our little speedsters."

Dr. Rodriguez chuckled and gestured for them to sit.

*Dr. Rodriguez:* "Let's dive right into it. We'll start with the genders. Are you ready?"

*Chun-Li:* "More than ready, Doctor. Please, tell us."

Dr. Rodriguez operated the ultrasound machine, his skilled hands maneuvering the device over Chun-Li's belly. Sonic and Chun-Li held hands, sharing anxious glances.

*Dr. Rodriguez:* "And there we have it. It looks like you're having a hedgehog boy and a human girl!"

The room filled with a mixture of joy and surprise. Sonic's eyes widened, and Chun-Li couldn't suppress a delighted gasp.

*Sonic:* "A hedgehog boy and a human girl? That's incredible!"

*Chun-Li:* "Our little team is going to be even more diverse than we thought. A perfect blend of both our worlds."

Dr. Rodriguez nodded, pleased with their reaction.

*Dr. Rodriguez:* "Indeed. Now, let's talk about something unique to your case. It appears that your twins are sharing a special connection. They are communicating at a level we rarely see."

*Chun-Li:* "What do you mean, Doctor?"

*Dr. Rodriguez:* "Well, based on the scans and their positions, it seems like they're already interacting. Your hedgehog boy seems to be playfully tapping on the barrier between them, almost like he's trying to reach out to his human sister."

Sonic's eyes widened, a mix of astonishment and pride on his face.

*Sonic:* "That's my boy! Already reaching out to his sis. Guess we've got some natural communicators on our hands."

Chun-Li grinned, enchanted by the idea of their twins connecting even before birth.

*Chun-Li:* "It's heartwarming to think they're already building a bond. Our little hedgehog and human, a team from the very beginning."

Dr. Rodriguez smiled warmly at the couple's excitement.

*Dr. Rodriguez:* "Nature has its own way of creating miracles. Your family is indeed something special."

As the appointment concluded, Sonic and Chun-Li left the clinic, their hearts brimming with happiness. The news of their hedgehog boy and human girl, with a unique connection between them, added an extra layer of magic to their journey into parenthood.

Sonic The Hedgehog X Street Fighter : PRECIOUS AGES 5Where stories live. Discover now