Two. Capitol's Choice

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THE TRAIN TO THE CAPITOL. The tributes of the ninth district were silent both of them waiting for the other to break the deafening silence.

"Where's Devon?" The escort for the district whose actual name the girls had learned was Flint- as the girls' heads snapped up.

"Who?" Daniella questioned raising a brow.

Flint sighed. "Your mentor. He's supposed to teach who to survive the games" The man explained to the two.

"Well, he's been doing a shit job" The raven hair scoffed slightly referencing to all the other tributes from their district who had died in the games.

"He won the 51st games, right?" Phoenix asked. The man nodded before standing up.

"Where is that bastard?" He mumbled as he spoke the door slid open. The tributes turned to see an older man 30-40 with slicked-back hair with piercing green eyes.

"Did someone say my name?" The man asked crossing his arms over his chest with a cocky attitude.

"Unless your name is bastard then yeah" Daniella shot back. The man blinked for a second staring at the two women.

"Uh, w-why are there two of you?" He questioned, a confused expression on his face.

"Capitol's choice, let Ms Welsey volunteer for her brother" Devon nodded his head before chuckling

"Yeah...I don't work well with ladies" He told the two sitting down on one of the chairs by the table. "They always fall for my charm"

"What charm?" Phoenix questioned furrowing her eyebrows. Devon rolled his eyes.

"Another reason. You ladies always act so cocky" Before both of the girls could spit something back, Flint cleared his throat.

"Alright, alright. Instead of fighting, how about you talk strategy" Flint said to them pulling up a chair to the end of the table. Devon inhaled shapely before nodding.

"I've got some advice" He said to them, dropping the cocky attitude for a little while. "You can't win. These games are rigged for the careers to win and the capitol's entertainment" The two watched as he got to his feet. "Now, I'm going to bed we'll pick this back up in the morning" and he walked away.

The raven hair rolled her eyes. "Can we get another mentor, please?" Daniella told Flint leaning back in seat.

"Well, all the other victors from our district are dead..." Phoenix replied with a sigh.

Daniella scoffed, "How did I get stuck with the sweet and innocent girl?" She asked herself.

"You think I'm sweet?" The blonde asked her narrowing her eyes at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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