Lip- Rough Around The Edges

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Y/n Pov

I never intended to leave home so soon. Afterall, I'm only sixteen and two days. But things weren't meeting my standards back at the flat, with mum being an alcoholic and my step dad using me as his punching bag.

Dad left when I was young. I don't remember him much, but I know he couldn't have been a decent bloke, not if he left me with the old cow. Mum got married quickly after he left, to a man named Mark(he is an oc, wasn't sure if there I'd already character named mark).

Things started off alright. We were like a family. And then, it all changed. Just like that, over night, I went from being treated like a princess to being abused constantly. Atleast, through all my troubles, I've managed to get the world's best boyfriend. Lip Gallagher.

His family aren't what I'd call posh by any means. But they're nice, and that's all you need. Frank, although a completely useless dick, hasn't laid a finger on me, except for the one time when he hugged me after I'd paid out his debt. Lips siblings were mental, but they're like my own family, my real family. Who needs money when you've got the Gallagher?

I was lay in lips bed, his arm wrapped around my waist tightly as my back pressed against his chest

"Morning" he mumbled, kissing the back of my neck with feathery kisses

"It's too early to be alive" I whined, digging my head further into the pillow in the hopes it'd swallow me up. However, when I felt something crawling up my leg, I instantly smiled and rolled onto my back to be greeted by 3 year old Liam and his mop of curls

"Hi darling. Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked as he sat on my stomach. I tried to ignore lips grin as he watched me. I don't know what it is with guys, but every man seems to watch and smile when their girlfriends handle kids. I've seen Steve do the same for fiona and kev do the same for Veronica. I never understood it, but I wasn't gonna ruin his smile by questioning it

"Nope" he said, bouncing up and down as I tickled his ribs. I stood up out of bed, earning a chuckle from lip as Liam was balanced on my hip

"What?" I whined

"It's november" he stated, looking down at my Christmas pyjamas. We'd had this argument since I started wearing them after Halloween. In my eyes, Christmas starts the moment you have nothing else to look forward to. Got a birthday in november? Fair enough, Christmas can wait. But if you've got no plans for november, and after Halloween, there's nothing for you to be excited about, then I say, get down the Christmas tree and hang the stocking.

"You're such a grinch" I stuck my tongue out at him, and walked downstairs with Liam, placing him in his seat at the table

"Morning," I said to fiona and Steve, interrupting their steamy makeout session

"Morning love. Do you want some breakfast?" Fiona asked, kissing the top of my head as I sat down. I've been part of the family for years. Fiona was there for me when dad left. And I was there for them when their mum buggered off. Truth is, they don't know about mark. Sure, they know he's incapable of being a proper dad. But they don't know what he does to me, and I'd like to keep it that way. I'd been staying with them for 3 days, which is usually the most before I go home. But I really didn't want to leave this time, like at all

"I'm fine thanks. Although I think if Liam stomach growls any louder, he might start eating us all," I laughed, tickling him as he giggled, trying to tickle me back. Then, lip came downstairs and sat next to me, his arm around my shoulder

Eventually, we got dressed and braved the god awful day. Thankfully, it was friday and soon, all the Gallaghers, me, Steve, kev and Veronica were sat watching TV, ordering a takeaway after fiona earnt money. I say all the Gallagher, Frank was nowhere to be seen but that wasn't unusual

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