Shane- Selfless

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Shane Pov

I was round me mum and dad's with Kelly and my brothers, having a family dinner. I know things have been rough, since mandy died and dad developed that heroin addiction. But they've slowly been getting back to normal

Whilst we were eating, there was a loud bang on the door, and it didn't stop. Just kept growing louder and louder as dad go angrier and angrier

"WE'RE EATING OUR FUCKING-" he didn't get to finished as he opened the door, and a young girl ran straight past him, to the kitchen sink and threw up instantly

"Sweet Jesus," dad groaned

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"At the minute Jamie, I'm having the time of my fucking life. What bout you?" She snapped back. It was my cousin

Y/n Pov

As I clung to the sink and finished vomiting, my legs slowly betrayed me and I sunk to the kitchen floor, with uncle Paddy stood over me

"Fun night?" He asked, offering his hand. I took it, allowing him to pull me up and help me sit down. Auntie mimi was quick to coddle me, running her fingers through my hair as she asked

"Is everything alright, darling?"

"I was looking for Shane. I was wondering if I could stay with him and the Mrs. You must be Kelly," I said, smiling weakly at her before wincing. My head was shattering, as if thousands and of shards of glass had dug into my brain

"Ye, I am. Who are you?"

"This is my cousin, y/n," Shane explained, tucking my hair behind my ear. He put an arm around my shoulder and I leant into his touch, closing my eyes

"What's going on? You know I am more than happy to have you with us, but your dad would not allow you to come down here if it wasn't absolutely necessary," Paddy said, and he was right. My dad was paddy's older brother, and whilst they loved eachother, my dad didn't agree with uncle paddy's way of life

"I don't live with my daddy anymore. Mam got custody a few months back, after the divorce, and her new boyfriend is really starting to piss me off. She won't even know that I'm gone. I hate her and I'm not going back."

By this point, I was crying in Shane's arms whilst he rubbed up and down my back. Only 15, and already a runaway. God should be proud

"You can stay with me and Kelly for as long as you need, y/n. Anyway, that doesn't explain the vomit."

I let out a sad chuckle

"I was nervous about coming here, incase you'd send me back. So I drank away the nerves. It was a bad idea, I know," I admitted

"A very bad idea. I don't want to catch you in this state again, or you'll be on the next ferry back to Ireland," uncle Paddy warned me. We all looked at eachother before laughing. They wouldn't send me away, I know that now

I went to Shane and Kelly's house and unpacked my things, had a shower, put on some fluffy pyjamas and went downstairs

"Hiya," I said quietly. Kelly opened her arms for me so I went and cuddled up next to her. Oceans 11 was on the telly

"He is so fit," I smirked, watching George Clooney

"I prefer Brad Pitt."

"Hey! You've got your Brad Pitt right here," Shane argued as me and Kelly both snorted. Shane was on the other side of me, and he wouldn't look away

"Shane, I'm fine. Honest," I told him

"You aren't fine. You turned up drunk, vomiting and crying. You can't blame me for being worried."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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