Lip- The Boyfriend

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Requested by MadisonMayHunt

So sorry this took so long. I completely forgot

Y/n Pov

Being a Gallagher can be difficult. Especially now that Fiona's left. Everything has changed since she and Steve abandoned us. Lip says we shouldn't use that word. Abandoned. He says that she did what she had to do. Deep down, I know that he's right. I know that fiona isn't our mother, she's our sister and she deserves to escape this dump more than any of us. She's done so much and I'm happy for her. But part of me still feels neglected, like the only mother figure who ever cared about me has just forgotten about my entire existence all together

Ian isn't around as much. He's got a job working at karibs. I'm proud of him, but I wish things didn't have to change. Debbie is growing up far too fast. I'm her older sister, 14 years old, yet she still surpasses me when it comes to maturity. Lip, my best friend in the entire world, has a daughter. Katie is my niece and I love her to pieces, I love mandy aswell. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm slightly jealous of her. She's so young, unaware of the shit life we're all living. Carl is the same, as annoying as ever. Even Liam has changed. He doesn't need me as much anymore and it hurts, feeling useless.

Through the changes of my family, I've come to have alot of free time and with that, I have gained a boyfriend. God, I speak about him as if he's an object. I know, he's a human being and I should love him. I do like him, but not quite love. The only thing that's stopping me from loving him is the fact that I don't want to have sex with him. And I'm worried that if I end up loving him, then I'll feel obliged to pleasure him. I refuse to be just another chatsworth girl, pregnant age 15, stuck in the same shit hole for the rest of her life, living on benefits with a husband that sleeps with every woman within a five mile radius

"I have to go," I told Henry, my boyfriend. He's two years older than me, and I like him alot. I suppose he makes me feel more mature

We were sat on his bed, kissing as he ran his hand up and down my thigh

"Why don't you stay for the night? My parents are away for the week," he suggested. I wanted to. I wanted to stay with him. Not have sex. But just be around him.

"I can't. They'll wonder where I am and I don't want to get in trouble"

"By they, you mean lip," he sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration

"He's just being protective. If he knows about us then he'll stop us seeing eachother. Can we just keep it a secret for a little while longer? I promise, I'll tell him soon. I will. Cross my heart." With one final kiss goodbye, I ran out of his house and down the street, trying to reach my own before anybody noticed I was back late. And by late, I mean really really late

"Where the fuck have you been?" Lip asked me as I was about to enter my room. He was quiet, stood outside his door, not wanting to wake the others up

"Out with some friends. I'm sorry for being back so late. Did Liam go to bed alright?" I asked, it was usually my job to look after him

"He was asking for you. But I told him you'd be there when he wakes up. Who is he?" I sighed, knowing that I wasn't getting out of this one. Lip was far too smart for his own good. Opening my bedroom door, I motioned for him to go in first, gently closing it behind the both of us. I shared a room with Debbie, but she was at a sleepover on a school residential

"I have a boyfriend. He's sweet and he's kind and I know that you're going to stop me from seeing him but...but I really really like him"

"Y/n, I'm not gonna stop you from dating. You're 14, you can do what you like. But, I don't want you making the same mistakes I made"

"Thought you said Katie wasn't a mistake. She was just a surprise," I reminded him and he chuckled, shoving me gently

"You know what I mean. I wouldn't change Katie for the world, but it's different. Paddy helps us alot. Mandys family have money. We don't. I just don't want you having a boyfriend if you can't afford the consequences." That made me angry, very angry


"Alright, alright. I'm sorry," he comforted, pulling me into a hug as I cried into his shoulder. I hated growing up

"Tell me about him," he said, lying down on my bed, opposite me as I pulled my knees up to my chest

"His name is Henry Willis. He's sweet and generous. Always cooks for us. He's an only child so doesn't have a life like ours, it's calmer, less chaotic"

"How old is he?" This was the question I'd been dreading. I'm aware that 14 and 16 isn't great. But I had my reasons


"By how many months"

"A few"

"Y/n," he warned, raising his eyebrows at me

"He's 2 years older than me. Starting his A levels" that was it. The whole house was woken up by the arguing that took place shortly after

"Are you kidding? Y/n, he's almost a grown man! Why the fuck can't you date somebody your own age?" He asked me, shaking my shoulders as I sobbed

"Because he's mature, and I need to be more mature"

"Fuck are you going on about?"

"Debbie is more mature than me. She goes to parties, she rolls her skirt up and she drinks. She's kissed boys before, I havent. She wears makeup and goes wherever she wants without worrying about everything. Whereas I'm sat at home looking after Liam, worrying that everybody's going to leave, just like fiona did."

By this point, I was crying loudly, watching as Ian walked in and sat next to me in bed. His arm went around me and my eyes met lips

"Y/n, you are far more mature than Debbie. There's different types of mature. You earn money, you take care of Liam without being asked. You look after all of us. So what if Debbie goes to parties and drinks? While she's enjoying herself doing that, you're enjoying yourself playing pirates with liam" he chuckles, as do I. Wiping my tears with the back of my sleeve, I ask

"You're not just saying that?"

"Of course not. And you don't have to worry about us leaving. We're right here and we wouldn't leave you alone. I promise. Just don't do stupid shit like dating older guys. Alright?" His hand reached mine as I leant into Ians side

"Alright. Thanks, both of you"

"It's no problem. Now get some sleep" Ian suggested

"Can I stay with you guys? I don't like being by my self" they nodded, Ian taking my hand as we went into their bedroom. Carl was awake, sitting up in bed reading a dirty magazine



We insulted eachother as Ian and lip pushed their beds together

"What're you doing?" Carl asked, raising his eye brows in question

"What's it look like. Go get Liam," lip told him, chuckling at the grin on his face. Soon enough, we were all in bed, Liam lay ontop of me as he poked me in the face, giggling everytime I got annoyed. That night, I had the worst sleep ever. I was kicked, bitten, punched, my hair was pulled in all directions. But, it was the best night I'd had in a long time

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