Carl- Helping Hand

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Y/n Pov

Walking hand in hand with Carl, I thought everything would be alright. When I was around him, it's like I could forget about all the bad stuff and just focus on being a kid again. We're only 14, and growing up isn't top of my priorities, however it's inevitable in this world

"You can come round for tea if you like. Debbie says she'd like to have another girl in the house. Ya know, someone who's not ancient like Carol," Carl suggested. I wanted to, really I did. But as the blush grew on my cheeks, I found myself shaking my head

"I can't. Thank you, its a lovely offer Carl. But mum's expecting me back soon. You know what she's like. Doesn't like me having a boyfriend or anything. Maybe another time, when she's working or something," I quickly kissed his lips, smirking as he pulled me back and kissed me harder

"Y/n! The baths overrun! I didn't realise!" A little voice called out, belonging to my 6 year old brother. My eyes widened as I left a stuttering Carl, kissing him one last time before chasing after my brother, following him home

Carl Pov

I was sat having my tea with my family, but my head was in the clouds. I couldn't stop thinking about y/n. What if she doesn't like me? Everytime I invite her over, she makes up a daft excuse. I must've asked her round atleast a hundred times by now, but nothing.

"You eating that?" Ian asked

"Nah" I shrugged. Then, all heads turned to me and Veronica put the back of her hand on my forehead

"Not got a temperature. What's up?" She asked

"It's his bird" lip started

"Shut up" I groaned, not wanting this conversation to go any further

"You have a girlfriend? What she like?" Kev asked, suddenly becoming interested in my life.

"She's great and everything but-"

"But what? Oh don't tell me she's pregnant!" Carol gasped

"No its nothing like that. I think she's losing interest. I keep inviting her round but she's got no interest in me outside of school. She never asks me round hers and I don't see outside of school unless I'm walking her home. Think she's embarrassed to be seen with me," I explained, and they all listened which was surprising to say the least. Even Liam listened, although I think he was just eyeing my left over food

"Maybe she got bored of ya," Ian suggested

"Or maybe she's found a better lad," lip continued

"Right that's enough. Carl, if you really love her, then ask her what's going on," weirdly enough, Veronica's advice actually made a little bit of sense. But, how was I supposed to ask her something like that? I'm beginning to think I'm not cut out for all this relationship nonsense

Y/n Pov

The next day, I was getting ready for school. I have to wake up early, so I can get the kids ready for school. First, there's Tommy. He's only 4 months, so once I've fed and changed him, he just lies in his pram.

Then, maddie and Oscar. Both three, but entirely different. Maddie hasn't spoken a single word in her life, but Oscar won't shut up. He's always having tantrums.

Next is Alfie. He's 6. Always helps me out when he can, but like all kids, he has his moments.

Sophie comes next. She's 9 and doesn't quite understand the whole 'behave in school' thing which makes it difficult when I'm trying to keep social services off our backs.

And finally, there's Peter. He's 13. I wish I could say he's helpful, but he's the worst out of the lot. Constantly making trouble with the feds, and I always have to sort it out.

Every single day, I make 3 meals for them all, pack their school bag, get the younger ones dressed, walk them to school, find a child minder for the 3 youngest and pray for a better life. It isn't easy, especially not now I have Carl. I love him to pieces, but keeping this from him is increasingly more difficult

As I was feeding Tommy his bottle, with maddie clung to my leg and the other kids asleep in bed, there was a knock at the door. Much to my surprise, Carl was stood their with his 2 older brothers.

"Erm...Carl...what are you doing here?" I asked

"I wanted see if you wanted walk to school" he suggested

"Oh. Thanks but im good. Aren't you a little early to be going school?" I asked him

"No. Its 8 oclock"


"It's 8 oclock" I whipped my head around to check the clock and froze for a moment in panic

"Shit!" Leaving the door open for Carl and his brothers, I handed Tommy to Carl and lifted maddie up, racing upstairs. I instantly chucked the covers off all the kids and switched on every light

"Get up. Get up. I slept in. Hurry hurry" the morning consisted of sentences such as:

"Sophie, don't bite your brother!"

"Oscar, we have toilets for a reason!"

"Alfie, stop sliding down the bannister!"

"For the love of God Peter, your hair looks fine!"

Once they were all ready, I rushed out of the house with Carl and his brothers. School drop off was quick and I gave the younger kids to our neighbour for the day. Finally, at half 8, it was just me, Carl and his brothers. Peter had gone off with his mates

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Although I'm glad you came when you did. My alarm must've been set wrong"

"Don't apologise. So, do you look after them every day?" Ian asked

"My parents are busy is all. They're good people. Just busy. Look, just...don't go telling anyone alright? Even though its nothing, I don't want to risk social services getting involved. Please," I begged them and they nodded

"Trust me, we didn't interfer with social services" lip laughed. Ian and lip walked off, leaving just me and Carl. He out his arm over my shoulder and kissed the top of my head

"You shouldve told me. I would've helped"

"You shouldn't have to. You're my boyfriend, not my dad. You don't have to clean up my messes. Anyway, it's not usually that bad. It's just because we were running late this morning," I explained in the hopes he'd believe me. From the look on his face, I could tell that he didn't believe me at all

"I'm going to help, whether you like it or not. My family have the older ones. They have lip, kev and Veronica. Carol and marty. It isn't fair that you're doing this alone. If you'll let me, id like to stay over at yours. And then, we can spend more time together and you wouldn't have to worry about the kids."

I took a while to think about it before coming to a conclusion.

"OK. You can stay over and I'd appreciate the help. But there's probably some things you should know. Tommy cries all night everynight. Maddie doesn't speak. Oscar is allergic to chocolate but will try to eat it either way. Alfie is sweet as sugar, but can be a complete dare devil so just make sure he isn't diving down the stairs. Sophie is abit of a bully but I'm trying to stop that before she reaches high school. And Peter will mainly stay out of your way, bringing home the coppers on occasion. Regretting it yet?"

"A little. But no, I want to be with you y/n. I love you, so much" my hand gently touched his cheek, cupping his face as I leant in closer

"I love you" I whispered, slowly kissing him on the lips

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