4 - Lunden Calling

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"Ye do noe think my marks will be a problem at the wedding for Alfred's daughter?" Faoladhean looked to Finan as she plaited her hair, a soft frown knitting her brows.

"Mo ghrá, if anyone has an issue with it, they will remain quiet about it. And if they do not, well," Finan moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle, then grazed his lips across her neck. "I will deal with them."

Faoladhean turned to look over her shoulder at him, one brow arched in warning. "Ye cannae be causing trouble today, love."

"I'll not be causing any trouble. I will just have some choice words to say to anyone who dares mention your marks with anything other than kindness and genuine curiosity. Alfred has seen your marks, and the invitation was still extended to ya, so I don't think anyone else has any say in the matter. Besides," he turned her to face him, still holding her close, "you will outshine any other woman there, and would do so even without your marks."

Faoladhean chuckled as she blushed softly. Finan's lips came down on hers, the familiarity and warmth of the kiss and the comfort of the embrace from him sent a flush of heat through her body, something she hadn't felt in far too long. When she opened her eyes to look up at Finan, she could see a hunger there, having been starved of pleasures of the flesh for nearly half a year; another pang of guilt came over Faoaldhean, and she lowered her gaze.

"We," her voice came out somewhat choked, so she cleared her throat and started over. "We should be going so we are not late for Thyra and Beocca's wedding."

Finan saw the flash of remorse on her face and raised a hand to her cheek. "Hey," he said softly, and waited until her eyes met his again. "I love you, and I will do whatever I can to help. Do not forget that."

Faoladhean nodded, and leaned her face into his palm, her eyes falling closed. "I know," she said quietly. A moment later, she opened her eyes that held some emotion Finan couldn't place. "Gisela said she will keep Aodhán with her for the night. She also said it would be beneficial for me and our bairn to have a night apart."

"Oh, I see," Finan smirked playfully. "Ya listen to Gisela, but not your husband."

Rolling her eyes, Faoladhean scoffed. "It's noe like that! I took what you said to heart, and then hearing it from a friend-"

Finan cut her off by kissing her deeply, both his hands sliding up to hold her face. "Hush. I was only teasing ya." He smiled at her, his eyes sparkling with mirth. The smile widened when Faoladhean's lips tipped up into a small, yet genuine, smile.

"You," Faoladhean poked a finger into his chest, "can be a right pain in the arse. Ye ken that?"

Finan ran his nose along hers, smiling still. "So I have been told." He brushed a gentle kiss across her lips. "But ya married me, so you're stuck with me now."

Faoladhean giggled softly as her nose crinkled at him, a hint of her lighter spirit shining through. "Aye, I suppose I am. We should go, I do noe want to be late, and we still have to meet Thordis for her to watch Aodhán." She slowly pulled away from Finan's grasp and picked up Aodhán from the bed.

"Let me take him, mo ghrá." Finan reached for the sleepy boy, who lifted his arms toward him when Finan leaned in close. "I will carry him for now." Propping the babe on his shoulder, Finan leaned down to kiss Faoladhean on the cheek, then walked out of their room. Faoladhean paused and watched him go through the door, a small smile playing at her lips as she saw Finan handle their son with such care. He is a loving and attentive father, I can noe imagine him noe being such, she thought as she followed and locked the door behind her.

As they approached the doors to the church, Faoladhean's pace slowed; Finan felt the distance between them increase and stopped to turn and look at her. "What is the matter, aingeal?"

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